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Bruce CantorSubject: Query and Sftp clent
Author: Bruce Cantor
Date: 09 Aug 2021 10:53 AM
Originally Posted: 09 Aug 2021 10:52 AM

I am having a problem with xquery and sftp client functionality.

Having this script:

declare namespace xps_sftp = "ddtekjava:com.ivitechnologies.pipeline.ext.net.SFTP";
declare variable $ediData as xs:string external;

declare variable $config := <root host="xxxx" port="22" path="/EET_Inbox" user="integration_test" password="xxxx"/>;

declare function xps_sftp:sendString($element as element(), $data as xs:string, $targetPath as xs:string) as xs:boolean external;

let $now := ddtek:format-dateTime(fn:current-dateTime(),'[Y0001][M01][D01][H01][m01][s01]') ,
$fileName := concat("S8000092.Order.",$now,'.edi')

This script works if I just have a pipeline where an EDIFACT file is used as input, but if I do transformations from XML to EDIFACT before applying this script nothing is placed on the ftp server and an error is thrown "No value has been bound to the external variable $edidata"

I need to apply a special name to the file, otherwise I would have just used the binding file option.

Can anyone tell me why edifact data can be parsed directly , but not as the result of an conversion?

I have attached the two pipelines, the working one and the faulty one.



Ivan PedruzziSubject: Query and Sftp clent
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 09 Aug 2021 08:38 PM
Can you zip your files (pipeline and query) and attached again?

Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

Bruce CantorSubject: Query and Sftp clent
Author: Bruce Cantor
Date: 10 Aug 2021 06:43 AM
Here is the full pipeline flows including xslt scripts and archive outgoing port. In Stylus Studio it can be seen that there is output from the xslt script.

zip file with pipeline and testdata

Ivan PedruzziSubject: Query and Sftp clent
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 13 Aug 2021 04:24 AM
Originally Posted: 13 Aug 2021 04:23 AM
This is may be a limitation is the Stylus Studio pipeline debugger.

However the all thing can be done with one query, see attached project, still keeping the XML to EDI mapping in a separate library module which can be re-used.

I converted your XSLT logic to XQuery which is far less verbose.

BTW watch out, you have the purchase order line date hard coded to 20210415.

Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team


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