We developed this process a few years back and haven’t had to touch it since. It really has been working great for us.
We need to load WD or INT into an existing empty tag. This information we would pass from the file.
Zzedi856_o.dat is the current file
Zzedi856_o.datnew is the new file
If you look at the .datnew file we added another field to the output; it is the very first field.
We need to put this information is the tag; (WD or INT).
<a:DataArea> <a:Process/>
Can you help?!?!?
I have attached our current output of the .xml file, .conv file and .xquery file and our current input files and proposed input (new) file.
Basically the current output needs to stay the same with the addition or WD or INT in the DataArea tag that we will pass from the file.
2012-02-16T07-44-08.76-06-00_2.xml xml file
estorefront(5).xquery xquery
storefront_send(3).conv conv
zzedi856_o(4).dat current input file
zzedi856_o.datnew new inputfile