 Subject: How do I strip out a comma ast last and a following zip value? Author: Victoria Lu Date: 08 May 2008 04:12 PM
If preceding-sibling type="zMADDRESS", type="zZip" value should be left unchanged. Else if, preceding-sibling type="zADDRESS", type="zZip" items should be removed.
And the comma and space which always seem to precede the zZip in ZAddress or zNeighb must also be removed--if that is all within a zADDRESS.
Foe examples:
1. Before:
<tps:c type="zStreet">20 West Row</tps:c>
<tps:c type="zAddress">,</tps:c>
<tps:c type="zNeighb">Canberra City,</tps:c>
<tps:c type="zZip">2600</tps:c>
1. After:
<tps:c type="zStreet">20 West Row</tps:c>
<tps:c type="zAddress">,</tps:c>
<tps:c type="zNeighb">Canberra City</tps:c>
2. Before:
<tps:c type="zStreet">82 Northbourne Ave.</tps:c>
<tps:c type="zAddress">,</tps:c>
<tps:c type="zNeighb">Braddon</tps:c>
<tps:c type="zAddress">,</tps:c>
<tps:c type="zZip">2601</tps:c>
2. After:
<tps:c type="zStreet">82 Northbourne Ave.</tps:c>
<tps:c type="zAddress">,</tps:c>
<tps:c type="zNeighb">Braddon</tps:c>
3. Beofre:
<tps:c type="zMaddress">Box 544, Burra Creek,</tps:c>
<tps:c type="zCity">Queanbeyan,</tps:c>
<tps:c type="zZip">2620</tps:c>
3. After, no change because one its preceding-siblings is "zMaddress".
I attached a whole file here.
Please help me.
Thanks a lot,