Subject:I can not use external java functions with Saxon Author:Akos Kempelen Date:18 Mar 2005 10:23 AM
I'm evaluating the newest version of Stylus Studio.
I transform some large (2-3Mb) XML files with XSLT files.
I use some external java functions within the xsl files.
With Xalan it works very well, but with Saxon it gives:
"java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot find a matching 1-argument function named {}util.StringPadding.printStr()"
error message.
Maybe Saxon can not find my external java classpath.
How can I setup this classpath for Saxon? (I found this option for Xalan (Options/Xslt Editor/External XSLT/), but there is no option like this for Saxon.
Although with Xalan it works well, maybe with Saxon it would be much faster, wouldn't be?