Subject:SS4: user interface question Author:Hans-Peter Küchler Date:27 Jun 2002 06:47 AM
Hi, is it possible to make all commands accessible by menu items? Especially some commands in schema editing (diagram mode) are only accessible by buttons in the window (expand all, export as image...).
I have previoulsy mentioned my thoughts to Ivan regadring menus, right
click events.
I believe that your menus and right mouse click functionality needs
to be re-addressed to provide more pro active use.
Refer picture: source tree
Why isn't the choice to view the "source tree" on the menu.
Now I don't a technical reason, but just an acknowledgement that yes
no one is perfect and we (Stylus) will reflect on our interface
and improve the fucntionality.
Subject:Re: SS4: user interface question Author:Minollo I. Date:08 Sep 2004 06:31 PM
Improvements in the context sensitive menus are already under way.
As you have appended your comment to an older comment that was actually
describing the opposite problem (main menu bar not containing context
sensitive entries), I was asking if you had noticed anything specific;
while we regularly monitor the UI for this kind of issues, it's not unusual
that something falls into the cracks.
And about your last comment, if we were perfect we wouldn't probably be
having this conversation at all. And if we didn't constantly reflect on our
user interface and set of functionality, you would probably be using XMLSpy
or other tools.