Subject:Re: xml->pdf Author:Minollo I. Date:12 Nov 2001 10:00 AM
Yes, in version 3.1 you can use FOP post-processing to do that; I assume
you are using XSLT to generate FO XML; you can then edit the scenario
settings for your XSLT document and ask to have FOP post-process your FO
document. That will generated a PDF document displayed in the preview window.
Subject:Re: xml->pdf Author:Minollo I. Date:28 Nov 2001 10:28 AM
At 10:25 AM 11/28/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>From: "Daniel Cook"
>Can Stylus Studio batch process XML and save the output as PDF
This involves XSLT processing and FOP post-processing.
You can do that using the Stylus Studio stylesxlst.exe command line
included in the most recent 3.1 BL69x package, available on
>or can you save the XSLT so that when IE opens the XML file it opens it as
IE can handle XSLT processing of an XML file if the XML file contains the
proper directive (Stylus Studio doesn't automatically include that
directive when saving a document), but I don't think it provides any way to
do FOP post-processing, which is the one that generates a PDF result.
Subject:Re: xml->pdf Author:Minollo I. Date:29 Nov 2001 10:09 AM
>What are the command line switches to tell Stylusxslt.exe to perform
usage: StylusXslt [-fop] [-print] source stylesheet [result] [param=value]...
-fop: post-process the file generated by the XSLT processor using
Apache FOP
-print: print the generated output file
Please not that this enhanced version of StylusXslt has been introduced
only in BL69a and later builds.
>Is there any documentation on the usage of Stylusxslt.exe?
The only one is the one mentioned above.
A couple of simple examples are:
>stylusxslt -fop Y:\test.xml Y:\fo.xsl y:\result.pdf
....which generates a y:\result.pdf file
>stylusxslt -fop -print Y:\test.xml Y:\fo.xsl y:\result.pdf
....which generates a y:\result.pdf file and prints it to your default printer
Subject:Re: xml->pdf Author:Daniel Cook Date:29 Nov 2001 04:05 PM
Thank you for all the help. I have used other XML editors in the past, like XML Spy 4.0, but I am really impressed with your product and your support. Thanks again.