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0 new messagesDo not display upgrade offer to new solution that requires a purchase0010035Ken Mamelund
01/27/09 06:22am
01/27/09 06:22am
0 new messagesmerge table cells in the report generator0010263Caleb Gerlach
01/16/09 10:55am
01/16/09 10:55am
0 new messagesdrawing a pdf doc0311172Vladimir Kaplun
01/15/09 06:00pm
01/28/09 06:58am
0 new messagesTrial Version0411105Vladimir Kaplun
01/15/09 01:35pm
01/15/09 04:46pm
0 new messagesIs it possible to convert XML files directly to PDF files without using XSL0111008Deepak Goyal
10/24/08 10:06am
10/27/08 07:29am
0 new messageskeyboard shortcuts to switch between text, tree, and grid display modes0011174glenn r
10/02/08 02:36pm
10/02/08 02:36pm
0 new messagesPort to OSX0111362Shannon Moon
10/01/08 10:44am
10/01/08 12:57pm
0 new messagesTarget Doc Double Click Set Text0011095Chris Faranetta
09/29/08 03:50pm
09/29/08 03:50pm
0 new messagesXquery Feature - External Database accessible via Web0111298elaine wu
09/23/08 04:34pm
09/24/08 12:38am
0 new messages.sef support0112267Thomas Dorgan
09/23/08 09:02am
09/23/08 11:14am
0 new messagesBug in Validation0011333Karen Fox
09/18/08 04:50pm
09/18/08 04:50pm
0 new messagesHealthcare Survey: We need your help & you could win an iPod Nano!0011451Maggie Pristera
09/16/08 04:38pm
09/16/08 04:38pm
0 new messagesFeature to collapse specific elements0011696Kurt Martin
09/08/08 12:08pm
09/08/08 12:08pm
0 new messagesHow to set custom Tools by command lines?0111621Singer Liou
09/02/08 01:32am
09/02/08 03:20am
0 new messagesFlat file to XML0111166Jolene Meyer
08/29/08 11:32am
08/29/08 02:41pm
0 new messagesWYSIWYG feature0211993Samantha Ivey
08/27/08 02:59pm
08/27/08 03:21pm
0 new messagesEDI Conversion0111095Saravanan K
08/13/08 06:47am
08/20/08 10:55am
0 new messages"XML Report", I'm forced to choose an output format0912268Mike Ashton
08/05/08 12:33pm
08/18/09 10:30am
0 new messagesDecimal format support in XML Publisher0113253Vic Lee
07/30/08 04:29am
07/30/08 09:03am
0 new messagescommand line conversion0311856Ron Zimmerman
07/22/08 09:26am
07/22/08 07:46pm
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