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0 new messagesRoot node renaming and adding attributes0118104KJ KJ
09/01/08 09:57am
09/04/08 04:55am
0 new messagesCannot get CDATA to render properly when using copy or copy-of0117333Marc Feickert
08/29/08 05:08pm
09/04/08 06:19am
0 new messagesHow to add a footer on reports for XSL:FO0017629Glenn Brand
08/29/08 03:46pm
08/29/08 03:46pm
0 new messagesApply-templates and processing nodes0016307KJ KJ
08/27/08 02:06am
08/27/08 02:08am
0 new messagesHelp Please - Use data from node1 to move node20416565Jon Gallegos
08/26/08 11:51am
09/04/08 11:43am
0 new messagesBehaviour of trace function0015472bhawna chopra
08/26/08 11:13am
08/26/08 11:13am
0 new messagesHow to Build a Dynamic XPath Expression in XSLT 0219494Neal Walters
08/26/08 10:33am
08/26/08 12:36pm
0 new messagesraw xml to generic xml0015053mike goh
08/26/08 05:29am
08/26/08 05:29am
0 new messagesMerging two documents0014466Jen Kim
08/25/08 05:51am
08/25/08 05:51am
0 new messagesXSLT Path help0215718KJ KJ
08/24/08 03:40am
08/27/08 01:34am
0 new messageshow to sort, dates in xsl ?0215692noor
08/23/08 06:37am
11/11/08 08:46am
0 new messagesNaming elements0215736justin shell
08/22/08 11:48pm
08/25/08 02:52pm
0 new messagesXSL IF Statement0116889sumit patki
08/21/08 09:50am
08/21/08 09:58am
0 new messagesXSLT Help Needed0315394A Thomas
08/17/08 05:33pm
08/18/08 11:44pm
0 new messagesCharacter Increment0317503Joshua Hunt
08/12/08 06:27pm
08/17/08 07:26pm
0 new messagesconcat function not working with my expression0015133Braam Ekermans
08/07/08 06:55am
08/07/08 06:55am
0 new messagesXSLT only namespace attribute written to output, other attr ignored on element0115505todd jackson
08/05/08 09:32pm
08/06/08 09:32am
0 new messagesusing uri within RSS enclosure tag.0017529co flo
08/05/08 02:54pm
08/05/08 02:54pm
0 new messagesTransforming Data With XSLT0217236Roger Croteau
08/04/08 12:45pm
09/02/08 11:38am
0 new messagesValidate XPath on variable0718546Alex Keim
08/04/08 05:37am
08/04/08 09:12am
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