Subject:.RENAME section not loaded correctly Author:Brett Stringham Date:19 Sep 2012 05:48 PM Originally Posted: 19 Sep 2012 05:16 PM
I'm attaching a file "CustomX12-OriginalFile.sef" that contains element references in the "CUSTOM_SEG" segment that have values supplied for the "Rename XML Node" property. For example, XML node for the 10th element has been renamed to "FIELD12" (see attached SEF file in the .RENAME section). However, when this file is loaded into Stylus Studio the "Rename XML Node" property for the 10th element reference in the "CUSTOM_SEG" segment is blank. In fact, the 11th thru 15th elements also have their "Rename XML Node" blanked out even though data is present in the .RENAME section in the SEF file.
Since Stylus Studio loads the .RENAME section incorrectly the SEF file, if saved, without making any changes results in a SEF with altered data in the .RENAME section. To replicate this, first open CustomX12-OriginalFile.sef into Stylus Studio. Without making any changes, save the file as CustomX12-OriginalFile-Bug.sef. Now use a file compare tool and you'll see that the contents of the .RENAME section have been altered.
The above has been observed in both Stylus Studio X14 and Stylus Studio X14 R2.
Subject:.RENAME section not loaded correctly Author:Brett Stringham Date:25 Sep 2012 03:31 PM Originally Posted: 25 Sep 2012 01:41 PM
Hi Ivan - I'm using build 1893f. I'm attaching a zip file that contains 4 files. I created a more simplified SEF to demonstrate the the issue. The SEF in the zip file has a custom segment with 12 fields. I've renamed the XML node for each field to be the same as the element name. For example the node name for the element FIELD1 is FIELD1, FIELD2 is FIELD2, etc. If you open this SEF in Stylus Studio, you'll notice that FIELD10, FIELD11, FIELD12 have blank in the "Rename XML Node" property even thought the SEF clearly shows the element should have a value. During my observation of this issue, it appears that all element 10th and beyond get the "Rename XML Node" value blanked out upon re-opening the SEF.
The problem for us is we have a large custom SEF file and any time we open it to make minor changes, we have to go through all elements and re-enter the "Rename XML Node" values. Which can be huge challenge given the our custom SEF has 100s of elements. The sample SEF in the attached ZIP is only a basic sample to demonstrate the issue.