Subject:creating automatic regions in producing an XML Author:Farzan Marfatia Date:23 Jan 2006 01:28 AM
Hi all,
I was wondering if any one can help me. i am currently using Stylus 1.4.1 and i have to say it is pretty cool.
There is just one problem i cant seem to conquer and was hoping someone knew how to do this.
I have an .AWL (from another program) file it is not XML some other format which can be debugged into XML. I have currently figured how to create regions and rows etc for my particular format. The only problem is that i am trying to produce a generic converter for this particular type of file with the constant fields in each .AWL file. If i have to manually insert region/field seperators for each data block it would be pointless to my objective. Does anyone know how find or know how to automatically create a new region for every particular section.
The sections start with DATA_BLOCK and end with END_DATA_BLOCK
the fields needed are
here is a sample
DB_VAR : INT ; //Temporary placeholder variable
DB_VAR := 0;
DATA_BLOCK "Citect Digital"
WWTP_Acknowledge : BOOL ; //Waste Water Treatment Plant
BiorctrAera_Acknowledge : BOOL ; //Bioreactor and Aeration Area
MBraneAeratn_Acknowledge : BOOL ;
WWTP_Acknowledge := FALSE;
BiorctrAera_Acknowledge := FALSE;
MBraneAeratn_Acknowledge := FALSE;
I have tried using region terminator and i cant seem to cement END_DATA_BLOCK or anything other than a number value in the property
and to be honest im not even sure if that is the correct thing to do
Subject:creating automatic regions in producing an XML Author:Tony Lavinio Date:23 Jan 2006 01:34 AM
Regions are fixed in size and fixed in offset; more likely you
want to create patterns to match the individual lines.
It's hard to tell from portions of a file; if you want, you could
email a sample file to stylus-field-report (at), and we'll
take a look for you.
Also, there is no Stylus Studio 1.4.1; can you check again, so we know
how to give you proper advice? 1.4.1 is probably your Java version.
Subject:creating automatic regions in producing an XML Author:Tony Lavinio Date:23 Jan 2006 03:54 PM
We've received the input file, but aren't exactly sure what you want
out of it. Could you create a little sample of the XML output, and
we'll take a stab at it?
It looks like it might be a two-part job, in that you would use XSLT
or XQuery to read in from the Convert-to-XML adapter, do some
reorganizing, and write out the output you want. Although it would be
built in two steps, it could run in one, because you can use the output
of Convert-to-XML (or any adapter) as the input to XSLT or XQuery.
Subject:creating automatic regions in producing an XML Author:Farzan Marfatia Date:23 Jan 2006 08:06 PM
I will send you the conv file that i have already created and its format and will trie up a tree xml format in word for you to get a better understanding
Subject:creating automatic regions in producing an XML Author:Tony Lavinio Date:24 Jan 2006 02:43 PM
Although it looks possible, in reality it's going to be pretty
hard. The .awl file you sent looks to be a kind of programming
language, like an assembler for some kind of controller. And
parsing a language file is a little beyond what Convert-to-XML
was designed to do.
You might consider writing a custom adapter and using that
through the custom resolver interface.