Subject:SS Crash 4.6 103r: XPath div function maybe Author:Lee Humphries Date:12 Mar 2003 07:38 PM
I was trying to do some maths, sum and then div, on some large XMLs. I wasn't having any success on the div XPath function with MSXML4, so I changed to the Stylus XSLT processor and re-ran the XSLT.
Subject:SS Crash 4.6 103r: XPath div function maybe Author:Minollo I. Date:12 Mar 2003 08:14 PM
Looks like the crash happened while the processor was throwing an exception.
Can you send me stylesheet + XML document you were using when this problem happened?
Subject:SS Crash 4.6 103r: XPath div function maybe Author:Lee Humphries Date:12 Mar 2003 08:43 PM
Hi Minollo,
The XSLT is pretty small but the XML is a bit on the big side
Here's a few extra details.
I had mis-entered the div function, rather than 'x div y' I had put in 'div(x, y)'.
I also had a breakpoint sitting immediately after that line.