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0065 -

Message type identifier
UN/EDIFACT Syntax Version 3 Revision 1999A Service Code List

Desc:Code identifying a type of message and assigned by its controlling agency.
This table also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
40000, 40001, 40002, 40003, 40004, 40005, 40006, 40007, 40100, 40101, 40102, 94A, 94B, 95B, 96A, 96B, 97A, 99A, 99B, 00A, 00B, 01A, 01B, 01C, 02A, 02B, 03A, 03B, D93A

APERAKApplication error and acknowledgement message
A code to identify the application error and acknowledgement message.
AUTACKSecure authentication and acknowledgement message
A code to identify the secure authentication and acknowledgement message.
AUTHORAuthorization message
A code to identify the authorization message.
AVLREQAvailability request - interactive message
A code to identify the availability request - interactive message.
AVLRSPAvailability response - interactive message
A code to identify the availability response -interactive message.
BALANCBalance message
A code to identify the balance message.
BANSTABanking status message
A code to identify the banking status message.
BAPLIEBayplan/stowage plan occupied and empty locations message
A code to identify the bayplan/stowage plan occupied and empty locations message.
BAPLTEBayplan/stowage plan total numbers message
A code to identify the bayplan/stowage plan total numbers message.
BMISRMBulk marine inspection summary report message
A code to identify the bulk marine inspection summary report message.
BOPBNKBank transactions and portfolio transactions report message
A code to identify the bank transactions and portfolio transactions report message.
BOPCUSBalance of payment customer transaction report message
A code to identify the balance of payment customer transaction report message.
BOPDIRDirect balance of payment declaration message
A code to identify the direct balance of payment declaration message.
BOPINFBalance of payment information from customer message
A code to identify the balance of payment information from customer message.
CALINFVessel call information message
A code to identify the vessel call information message.
CASINTRequest for legal administration action in civil proceedings message
A code to identify the request for legal administration action in civil proceedings message.
CASRESLegal administration response in civil proceedings message
A code to identify the legal administration response in civil proceedings message.
CHACCOChart of accounts message
A code to identify the chart of accounts message.
Classification information set message
A code to identify the classification information set message.
Contractual conditions message
A code to identify the contractual conditions message.
COARRIContainer discharge/loading report message
A code to identify the container discharge/loading report message.
CODECOContainer gate-in/gate-out report message
A code to identify the container gate-in/gate-out report message.
CODENOPermit expiration/clearance ready notice message
A code to identify the permit expiration/clearance ready notice message.
COEDORContainer stock report message
A code to identify the container stock report message.
COHAORContainer special handling order message
A code to identify the container special handling order message.
COLREQRequest for a documentary collection message
A code to identify the request for a documentary collection message.
COMDISCommercial dispute message
A code to identify the commercial dispute message.
CONAPWAdvice on pending works message
A code to identify the advice on pending works message.
CONDPVDirect payment valuation message
A code to identify the direct payment valuation message.
CONDRADrawing administration message
A code to identify the drawing administration message.
CONDRODrawing organisation message
A code to identify the drawing organisation message.
CONESTEstablishment of contract message
A code to identify the establishment of contract message.
CONITTInvitation to tender message
A code to identify the invitation to tender message.
CONPVAPayment valuation message
A code to identify the payment valuation message.
CONQVAQuantity valuation message
A code to identify the quantity valuation message.
CONRPWResponse of pending works message
A code to identify the response of pending works message.
CONTENTender message
A code to identify the tender message.
CONTRLSyntax and service report message
A code to identify the syntax and service report message.
CONWQDWork item quantity determination message
A code to identify the work item quantity determination message.
COPARNContainer announcement message
A code to identify the container announcement message.
COPINOContainer pre-notification message
A code to identify the container pre-notification message.
COPRARContainer discharge/loading order message
A code to identify the container discharge/loading order message.
COREORContainer release order message
A code to identify the container release order message.
COSTCOContainer stuffing/stripping confirmation message
A code to identify the container stuffing/stripping confirmation message.
COSTORContainer stuffing/stripping order message
A code to identify the container stuffing/stripping order message.
CREADVCredit advice message
A code to identify the credit advice message.
CREEXTExtended credit advice message
A code to identify the extended credit advice message.
CREMULMultiple credit advice message
A code to identify the multiple credit advice message.
CUSCARCustoms cargo report message
A code to identify the customs cargo report message.
CUSDECCustoms declaration message
A code to identify the customs declaration message.
CUSEXPCustoms express consignment declaration message
A code to identify the customs express consignment declaration message.
CUSPEDPeriodic customs declaration message
A code to identify the periodic customs declaration message.
CUSREPCustoms conveyance report message
A code to identify the customs conveyance report message.
CUSRESCustoms response message
A code to identify the customs response message.
DEBADVDebit advice message
A code to identify the debit advice message.
DEBMULMultiple debit advice message
A code to identify the multiple debit advice message.
DELFORDelivery schedule message
A code to identify the delivery schedule message.
DELJITDelivery just in time message
A code to identify the delivery just in time message.
DESADVDespatch advice message
A code to identify the despatch advice message.
DESTIMEquipment damage and repair estimate message
A code to identify the equipment damage and repair estimate message.
DGRECADangerous goods recapitulation message
A code to identify the dangerous goods recapitulation message.
DIRDEBDirect debit message
A code to identify the direct debit message.
DIRDEFDirectory definition message
A code to identify the directory definition message.
DMRDEFData maintenance request definition message
A code to identify the data maintenance request definition message.
DMSTATData maintenance status report/query message
A code to identify the data maintenance status report/query message.
DOCADVDocumentary credit advice message
A code to identify the documentary credit advice message.
DOCAMAAdvice of an amendment of a documentary credit message
A code to identify the advice of an amendment of a documentary credit message.
DOCAMIDocumentary credit amendment information message
A code to identify the documentary credit amendment information message.
DOCAMRRequest for an amendment of a documentary credit message
A code to identify the request for an amendment of a documentary credit message.
DOCAPPDocumentary credit application message
A code to identify the documentary credit application message.
DOCAREResponse to an amendment of a documentary credit message
A code to identify the response to an amendment of a documentary credit message.
DOCINFDocumentary credit issuance information message
A code to identify the documentary credit issuance information message.
ENTRECAccounting entries message
A code to identify the accounting entries message.
FINCANFinancial cancellation message
A code to identify the financial cancellation message.
FINPAYMultiple interbank funds transfer message
A code to identify the multiple interbank funds transfer message.
FINSTAFinancial statement of an account message
A code to identify the financial statement of an account message.
GENRALGeneral purpose message
A code to identify the general purpose message.
GESMESGeneric statistical message
A code to identify the generic statistical message.
HANMOVCargo/goods handling and movement message
A code to identify the cargo/goods handling and movement message.
IFCSUMForwarding and consolidation summary message
A code to identify the forwarding and consolidation summary message.
IFTCCAForwarding and transport shipment charge calculation message
A code to identify the forwarding and transport shipment charge calculation message.
IFTDGNDangerous goods notification message
A code to identify the dangerous goods notification message.
IFTFCCInternational transport freight costs and other charges message
A code to identify the international transport freight costs and other charges message.
IFTIAGDangerous cargo list message
A code to identify the dangerous cargo list message.
IFTMANArrival notice message
A code to identify the arrival notice message.
IFTMBCBooking confirmation message
A code to identify the booking confirmation message.
IFTMBFFirm booking message
A code to identify the firm booking message.
IFTMBPProvisional booking message
A code to identify the provisional booking message.
IFTMCSInstruction contract status message
A code to identify the instruction contract status message.
IFTMINInstruction message
A code to identify the instruction message.
IFTRINForwarding and transport rate information message
A code to identify the forwarding and transport rate information message.
IFTSAIForwarding and transport schedule and availability information message
A code to identify the forwarding and transport schedule and availability information message.
IFTSTAInternational multimodal status report message
A code to identify the international multimodal status report message.
IFTSTQInternational multimodal status request message
A code to identify the international multimodal status request message.
IMPDEFEDI implementation guide definition message
A code to identify the edi implementation guide definition message.
INFENTEnterprise accounting information message
A code to identify the enterprise accounting information message.
INSDESInstruction to despatch message
A code to identify the instruction to despatch message.
INSPREInsurance premium message
A code to identify the insurance premium message.
Inspection request message
A code to identify the inspection request message.
Inspection report message
A code to identify the inspection report message.
INVOICInvoice message
A code to identify the invoice message.
INVRPTInventory report message
A code to identify the inventory report message.
IPPOMOMotor insurance policy message
A code to identify the motor insurance policy message.
ITRRPTIn transit report detail message
A code to identify the in transit report detail message.
JAPRESJob application result message
A code to identify the job application result message.
JINFDEJob information demand message
A code to identify the job information demand message.
JOBAPPJob application proposal message
A code to identify the job application proposal message.
JOBCONJob order confirmation message
A code to identify the job order confirmation message.
JOBMODJob order modification message
A code to identify the job order modification message.
JOBOFFJob order message
A code to identify the job order message.
KEYMANSecurity key and certificate management message
A code to identify the security key and certificate management message.
LREACTLife reinsurance activity message
A code to identify the life reinsurance activity message.
LRECLMLife reinsurance claims message
A code to identify the life reinsurance claims message.
MEDPIDPerson identification message
A code to identify the person identification message.
MEDREQMedical service request message
A code to identify the medical service request message.
MEDRPTMedical service report message
A code to identify the medical service report message.
MEDRUCMedical resource usage and cost message
A code to identify the medical resource usage and cost message.
MEQPOSMeans of transport and equipment position message
A code to identify the means of transport and equipment position message.
MOVINSStowage instruction message
A code to identify the stowage instruction message.
MSCONSMetered services consumption report message
A code to identify the metered services consumption report message.
ORDCHGPurchase order change request message
A code to identify the purchase order change request message.
ORDERSPurchase order message
A code to identify the purchase order message.
ORDRSPPurchase order response message
A code to identify the purchase order response message.
OSTENQOrder status enquiry message
A code to identify the order status enquiry message.
OSTRPTOrder status report message
A code to identify the order status report message.
PARTINParty information message
A code to identify the party information message.
PAXLSTPassenger list message
A code to identify the passenger list message.
PAYDUCPayroll deductions advice message
A code to identify the payroll deductions advice message.
PAYEXTExtended payment order message
A code to identify the extended payment order message.
PAYMULMultiple payment order message
A code to identify the multiple payment order message.
PAYORDPayment order message
A code to identify the payment order message.
PRICATPrice/sales catalogue message
A code to identify the price/sales catalogue message.
PRIHISPricing history message
A code to identify the pricing history message.
PRODATProduct data message
A code to identify the product data message.
PRODEXProduct exchange reconciliation message
A code to identify the product exchange reconciliation message.
PROINQProduct inquiry message
A code to identify the product inquiry message.
PROTAPProject tasks planning message
A code to identify the project tasks planning message.
PRPAIDInsurance premium payment message
A code to identify the insurance premium payment message.
QALITYQuality data message
A code to identify the quality data message.
QUOTESQuote message
A code to identify the quote message.
RDRMESRaw data reporting message
A code to identify the raw data reporting message.
REBORDReinsurance bordereau message
A code to identify the reinsurance bordereau message.
RECADVReceiving advice message
A code to identify the receiving advice message.
RECALCReinsurance calculation message
A code to identify the reinsurance calculation message.
RECECOCredit risk cover message
A code to identify the credit risk cover message.
RECLAMReinsurance claims message
A code to identify the reinsurance claims message.
REMADVRemittance advice message
A code to identify the remittance advice message.
REPREMReinsurance premium message
A code to identify the reinsurance premium message.
REQDOCRequest for document message
A code to identify the request for document message.
REQOTERequest for quote message
A code to identify the request for quote message.
RESETTReinsurance settlement message
A code to identify the reinsurance settlement message.
RESMSGReservation message
A code to identify the reservation message.
RESREQReservation request - interactive message
A code to identify the reservation request - interactive message.
RESRSPReservation response - interactive message
A code to identify the reservation response - interactive message.
RETACCReinsurance technical account message
A code to identify the reinsurance technical account message.
RETANNAnnouncement for returns message
A code to identify the announcement for returns message.
RETINSInstruction for returns message
A code to identify the instruction for returns message.
SAFHAZSafety and hazard data message
A code to identify the safety and hazard data message.
SANCRTInternational movement of goods governmental regulatory message
A code to identify the international movement of goods governmental regulatory message.
SLSFCTSales forecast message
A code to identify the sales forecast message.
SLSRPTSales data report message
A code to identify the sales data report message.
SOCADESocial administration message
A code to identify the social administration message.
SSIMODModification of identity details message
A code to identify the modification of identity details message.
SSRECHWorker's insurance history message
A code to identify the worker's insurance history message.
SSREGWNotification of registration of a worker message
A code to identify the notification of registration of a worker message.
STATACStatement of account message
A code to identify the statement of account message.
STLRPTSettlement transaction reporting message
A code to identify the settlement transaction reporting message.
SUPCOTSuperannuation contributions advice message
A code to identify the superannuation contributions advice message.
SUPMANSuperannuation maintenance message
A code to identify the superannuation maintenance message.
SUPRESSupplier response message
A code to identify the supplier response message.
TANSTATank status report message
A code to identify the tank status report message.
Travel, tourism and leisure information inquiry request -interactive message
A code to identify the travel, tourism and leisure information inquiry request - interactive message.
Travel, tourism and leisure information inquiry response -interactive message
A code to identify the travel, tourism and leisure information inquiry response - interactive message.
VATDECValue added tax message
A code to identify the value added tax message.
VESDEPVessel departure message
A code to identify the vessel departure message.
WASDISWaste disposal information message
A code to identify the waste disposal information message.
WKGRDCWork grant decision message
A code to identify the work grant decision message.
WKGRREWork grant request message
A code to identify the work grant request message.

Change indicators
plus sign An addition.
asterisk Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element.
hash or pound sign Changes to names.
vertical bar Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions.
minus sign A deletion.
letter X Marked for deletion.

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