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Raj DesaiSubject: Editing Large Text Files and converting them into XML
Author: Raj Desai
Date: 04 Sep 2010 04:56 PM

I just downloaded the stylesutdio today. I have a text feed that I want to convert in to XML so I tried that. I however noticed that one section of the feed needs editing. My question is - how can I do that?

Please look at the XML below:

<Brand>SEA OF DIAMONDS</Brand>
<Description>This is a brilliant design featuring princess-cut diamonds, together with sleek baguettes, all in brightly polished 14k white gold.</Description>
<Product_Type>Jewelry &amp; Watches > Fine Jewelry > Rings</Product_Type>
<Title>1 1/4 Carat Princess &amp; Baguette Diamond 14k White Gold Wedding Ring</Title>

In above example - I would like to EDIT

<Product_Type>Jewelry &amp; Watches > Fine Jewelry > Rings</Product_Type>

In above product_type - the data are: Jewelry & Watches > Fine Jewelry > Rings

They are all in single column. I would like to separate them in to three columns:

1. Jewelry & Watches
2. Fine Jewelry
3. Rings

That way - when I map it to my master schema - I can appropriately carry out that function. Such as I can put Rings into Jewelry > Rings for my master schema.

Can you please help?



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