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bruce woodsSubject: Error message unable to load plugin wsedit.dll
Author: bruce woods
Date: 07 Oct 2005 04:48 PM
I just installed SS prof 6.3. When I start up the application I get the error message in the subject line. What can I do to fix this problem? What does this dll do?

Minollo I.Subject: Error message unable to load plugin wsedit.dll
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 07 Oct 2005 05:22 PM
this means that you have installed Stylus Studio 6 Release 3 on top of an older version Stylus Studio installation. The Web Service Call Composer module (weedit.dll) has been removed from the Professional edition of version 6 Release 3 (which was the reason why we offered free upgrades to 6.x Professional users to 6r3 Enterprise Edition).

To fix the problem, just delete the wsedit.dll module under <Stylus Install Dir>\bin\plugins; if you would like to upgrade your version to Enterprise Edition (that still supports the Web Service Call Composer module), please contact our sales organization at stylusstudio@stylusstudio.com explaining your situation; I'm sure they will be willing to help you.


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