Subject:New to all this! Author:Claus Miksch Date:19 Nov 2006 11:15 PM
Hi there,
I just wanted to know if anyone besides me is a bit overwhelmed by all this? I'm new to the developer network and would like to ask about using DITA in Stylus.
When I save a DITA file with its extension (.dita), Stylus won't open it! Am I missing something?
Subject:New to all this! Author:Tony Lavinio Date:20 Nov 2006 09:07 AM
DITA is an XML format, so what you can do is tell Stylus Studio
to treat .dita files as .xml files.
The simplest way is to do File|Open, and choose from the combo-box
"All files", and then select your .dita file and press the Open
button. Stylus Studio will then ask you how it should open the file,
and whether it should remember that association. Choose "XML Editor"
and you should be set.
If you wish to change this in the future, or use another mechanism,
you can use Tools|Options|File Associations.