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Danny CostaSubject: EDIFACT D96A INVRPT into a SQL table
Author: Danny Costa
Date: 10 May 2007 02:51 AM
I'm fairly new to this XML stuff, although I'm a reasonably competent SQL DBA, and have a modicum of VBA development skills.
I'm in the middle of a project where I am receiving an XML file that's supposed to be in the D96A INVRPT format.
I've installed the eval version of Stylus Studio to see if it can help me. I have tried experimenting with the wizard for EDIFACT to XML and have gone thru a couple of tutorial videos but I'm still lost.

Bottom line is that the data contained in this file needs to load into a SQL table. Only 3 columns required, namely
DATE | PartNumber | Qty

All the stuff at the beginning of the file I don't need, but in this file are values such as 841158000029 (part number) and quantity,
the date will just be the now date i.e getdate().

Where do I start?


Elias HuterSubject: EDIFACT D96A INVRPT into a SQL table
Author: Elias Huter
Date: 16 May 2007 08:32 AM
I guess your scenario would be:

EDIFACT - EDIFACT XML - Database XML - Database

- How do you get the Database XML into your Database?
- You have to define how the Database XML structure (XSD) should look like
- You need a Mapping from "EDIFACT XML" to "Database XML" we can certainly help you with that after you finished the first two steps.

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