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toadie d.Subject: calling Custom File Adapter from a server app
Author: toadie d.
Date: 07 Dec 2005 08:20 PM
cool stuff!

i am curious as to whether or not i can call the custom file adapter from Tomcat? is it thread safe? also, my tomcat production machine runs on Linux but I am developing on Windows. Is there any DLL dependencies?



Minollo I.Subject: calling Custom File Adapter from a server app
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 07 Dec 2005 09:08 PM
Yes, you can use it from Tomcat.
Yes, it is thread safe.
It's a pure Java module, it has no DLL dependencies; we test it on Linux (Fedora 3 and Fedora 4, JVM 1.5).


toadie d.Subject: calling Custom File Adapter from a server app
Author: toadie d.
Date: 12 Dec 2005 09:41 PM
any examples on how to call it with a stream ? Found the sample which shows how to create a StylusFile from the Factory (which also has a createInputStream method).

I am receiving data within Tomcat and would want to call Stylus directly b/c I don't have the luxury of writing the data to a FileSystem.


Minollo I.Subject: calling Custom File Adapter from a server app
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 12 Dec 2005 10:19 PM
Take a look at the demo.java example, under <StylusInstallDir>\Examples\Adapters; it contains examples about how to use the API with input and output streams.

The JavaDoc of the Adapters API is also available under <StylusInstallDir>\doc\JavaDoc


toadie d.Subject: calling Custom File Adapter from a server app
Author: toadie d.
Date: 12 Dec 2005 10:59 PM
Hi Minollo
Thanks for the quick reply. I did look at the adapter example, however, they all involve using a file as the source for the input stream.

StylusFile in_3 = sff.createStylusFile( .. some adapter that reference a real file );
File out_3 = new File( some output filename );

InputStream is = in_3.getInputStream();
utputStream os = new FileOutputStream(out_3);

when we receive data in Tomcat, we can't create a file that is usually referenced in the adapter URL (ie. in_3 above).

The java doc has a createInputStream method on the StylusFileFactory

public static InputStream createInputStream(String uri,
String URIBase)
throws IOException

but there's no documentation/example on how to call it and what to use for uri & URIBase


Minollo I.Subject: calling Custom File Adapter from a server app
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 13 Dec 2005 08:58 AM
You need to use a different createStylusFile method to do that:

public StylusFile createStylusFile(String url,
InputStream is)
throws IOException

Create a StylusFile object for file access through a custom file system. This method differs from createStylusFile(String) in that it invokes a 2 argument constructor (String, InputStream) of the StylusFile class. This is useful if the StylusFile object being created is an adapter or converter which will read input from the InputStream. The application will normally get the result of the conversion by calling getInputStream() and using it to read the converted data.

If you apply that to one of the examples in demo.java, you can do a stream-to-stream operation:

File in_1 = new File(datapath + File.separator + "one.csv");
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(in_1);
StylusFile converter = sff.createStylusFile("adapter:///CSV:sep=,:first=yes", is); //note that we dropped the file from the URL
File out_1 = new File(datapath + File.separator + "one.xml");
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(out_1);
copy(converter.getInputStream(), os);

The "is" input stream is built against a file in this case, but it could be anything which is an InputStream really.

BTW, there is also a "createStylusFile(String url, OutputStream os)" for creating stream-to-stream of XML-to-nonXML conversions.

Hope this helps,

toadie d.Subject: calling Custom File Adapter from a server app
Author: toadie d.
Date: 13 Dec 2005 11:05 AM
you rock!

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