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Barry van OvenSubject: Default namespace declaration disappears
Author: Barry van Oven
Date: 03 Jun 2005 09:52 AM
Platform: Windows XP
Environment: Sonic ESB 6.1 build 304 and Stylus Studio Integration Edition 6.1 build 276
Problem: default namespace declaration disappears

Hi all.

I am encountering a very odd problem in my current environment. Having taken up this issue with official Sonic ESB support, I got redirected to the Stylus Studio support center.

When I transform a namespaceless source document into a result document with several namespaces where only the root element is located in the default namespace, the default namespace declaration (supposed to be an attribute of the root element) disappears/doesn't get crated in the result document. This only happens with the processor supplied with Stylus Studio Integration Edition 6.1 build 276. Ostensibly, this is the same processor Sonic ESB 6.1 build 304 uses, namely Saxon 6.5.2...

Here comes the odd part: Sonic ESB works fine (i.e. created the default namespace declaration attribute on the result document's root element), Stylus Studio doesn't. I tried a trial version of Stylus Studio Enterprise Edition 6 Release 3 build 377i which uses among others Saxon 6.5.3 and this works fine. Other processors (Xalan, MSXML, System.XML, etc.) also work fine.

The support person at Sonic Software for Sonic ESB was able to completely reproduce my findings using a source document and transformation stylesheet I sent him. I'll include them here.

What I'd really like to know is whether this is a problem caused by the processor, the environment or some higher entity. Perhaps someone else has experienced this before and found a solution. For now I have managed a workaround by creating a dummy prefix for the default namespace. Ideally I'd like a proper solution to this problem, or at least a better understanding as to why this occurs.

missing default namespace declaration

Minollo I.Subject: Default namespace declaration disappears
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 03 Jun 2005 10:30 AM
You are hitting a bug in the Stylus Studio Integration Edition 6.1 product. The problem has been fixed in more recent versions of Stylus Studio (as you have been able to verify).

If you need to keep using Stylus Studio Integration Edition and the bug is causing you major problems, you may want to work with the Sonic Software support organization to require a patch.

Hope this helps,

Barry van OvenSubject: Default namespace declaration disappears
Author: Barry van Oven
Date: 03 Jun 2005 10:47 AM
If this is a known bug in Integration Edition, is there any place I can point the Sonic ESB support person to in order to prevent being sent from one support team to another? Something like a fixed issues history perhaps?

You mention this bug is fixed in more recent editions of Stylus Studio. Do you arrive at this because of my words that the bug isn't present in Stylus Studio Enterprise Edition or is this actually a known fact within the Stylus Studio team?

Minollo I.Subject: Default namespace declaration disappears
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 03 Jun 2005 11:22 AM
The problem you are describing has been explicitly fixed (bug #814, for your reference) in Stylus Studio 6 release 1 (nothing to do with Stylus Studio Integration Edition 6.1).

Stylus Studio Integration Edition doesn't share the same development path and bug fixing strategy that applies to the "standalone" Stylus Studio product.

When contacting Sonic Software support you may want to mention them that the Stylus Studio team has let you know that the problem has been fixed as bug #814 in the main Stylus Studio development branch. Whether that fix can be/will be back-ported to the Integration Edition version you are using or not, that's something that I cannot predict; but any request in that direction needs to be originated by Sonic Software support.


Barry van OvenSubject: Default namespace declaration disappears
Author: Barry van Oven
Date: 06 Jun 2005 02:52 AM
Thank you for support. I have taken up this issue with the Sonic ESB support team again.

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