Release Notes for Stylus Studio® 2006 Home Edition

This document contains information specific to the current release of Stylus Studio® 2006 Build 501j, as well as all previously released 501 builds. Consult the Stylus Studio Release Notes and readme that are part of the Stylus Studio 2006 installation package for other important information.

Build 501j

Bug Fixes

Stylus Studio® 2006 Build 501j includes fixes for enhanced stability and performance.

Build 501i


Stylus Studio® 2006 Build 501i includes the following enhancements:

  • The XML to XML Schema Document Wizard now infers the path for the XML Schema (.xsd file) relative to that specified for the source XML document.
  • The built-in EDI converter now detects multiple transaction sets in a single EDI file.
  • Stylus Studio now displays the actual xsl:variable values in the Variables and Watch windows, instead of displaying the string "RTF-VALUE".

Bug Fixes

Stylus Studio® 2006 Build 501i includes fixes for the following known bugs:

  • XSLT
    • In the XSLT Editor, switching to the Params/Other tab and then back to the XSLT Source tab could cause duplicate templates to be created in templates drop-down list.
    • Dragging an element in the XSLT Source tab would sometimes copy, instead of cut, the element; and dropping it would not always result in the expected element being created.
    • Stylus Studio would sometimes crash after exiting if you opened an XSLT stylesheet in both the XSLT Editor and as an XML document in the XML Editor, and then modified the XSLT.
    • Templates from included stylesheets were displayed in the XSLT Mapper with an incorrect number of arguments.
    • Templates displayed in the XSLT Instructions > call-template shortcut menu in the XSLT Mapper are now displayed in alphabetical order.
    • Input ports for named templates in the XSLT Mapper would revert from red (indicating a value had been provided) to white after previewing the XSLT.
  • Other
    • File Explorer — If the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) was not available, Stylus Studio would sometimes crash when right-clicking on a Custom File System.
    • Xalan — Cancelling a stylesheet being processed using the XalanJ processor would cause error exceptions to be thrown.
    • XML Editor — If your XML document used multiple namespaces, Stylus Studio could sometimes generate an error if you used the Create Schema from XML Content feature.

Build 501h

Bug Fixes

Stylus Studio® 2006 Build 501h includes fixes for the following known bugs:

  • XML Editor
    • Stylus Studio did not correctly Undo some editing operations performed when the document tree was collapsed.
    • After using the Wrap Lines feature in the XML Editor, Stylus Studio would sometimes crash after undoing editing operations.
    • Stylus Studio would sometimes crash when selecting the Text tab after executing a Find operation on the Grid tab.
  • XSLT
    • The Stylus Studio built-in XSLT processor would ignore breakpoints if the file used Macintosh-style new lines (a single \r). This could also cause Stylus Studio to not place the cursor in the appropriate line when a template was selected from the drop-down box in the XSLT Editor.
    • Stylus Studio would sometimes generate an error when processing XSLT if the Saxon.jar file was in your classpath.
    • If you were using JDK 1.5 and your XSLT used a Web service file system (ws:///) as input, Stylus Studio would sometimes generate an error when processing the XSLT.
  • External Preview — Output previewed in an external application was always sent to the application associated with .htm files, and not the application specified for the file type on the File Types page of the Options dialog box.
  • Schema Diagram — Documentation node content was lost when the documentation node was moved in the Diagram tab in the XML Schema Editor.
  • Source Control — Certain source control operations run against Jalindi Igloo could cause Stylus Studio to crash.
  • Creating New Projects — Creating a new project by right-clicking on the project root node in the Project window could cause Stylus Studio to crash if a document was open, but hidden (such as the source XML referenced by an XSLT, for example).
  • File Explorer — If you renamed a folder in the File Explorer window, its files would become inaccessible through the File Explorer.

Build 501f


Stylus Studio® 2006 Build 501f includes support for the following:

  • Saxon 8.6.1 XSLT processor
  • Saxon 6.5.5 XSLT processor
  • MSXML 6.0 XSLT processor
  • MSXML 6.0 DOM and SAX XML parsers
  • .NET 2.0 XSLT processor

Bug Fixes

Stylus Studio® 2006 Build 501f includes fixes for the following known bugs:

  • XSLT
    • The Stylus Studio built-in XSLT processor would sometimes fail to output the correct default namespace definition.
    • Sense:X auto-complete did not always display globlal variables.
    • When you selected a region of text in a stylesheet, the shortcut menu did not display an option allowing you to create a template based on it.
  • XQuery
    • The Stylus Studio built-in processor could not evaluate XPath expressions when an attribute was used as a predicate's argument.
    • The Stylus Studio built-in processor would not accept XQuery replace() functions that used regular expressions.
  • XML Editor — The XML Editor did not always treat existing comments correctly.
  • Java File System I/O Error — Stylus Studio would display a null pointer exception if you tried to access the Java File System and a local drive (such as the A: drive) was empty or inaccessible.

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