Subject:There is no way to run xslt transformation, from XSD 1.1 Author:Andrey Yudin Date:16 Oct 2013 02:06 PM
No one tells a solution:
When just checking a XML Schema in with XSD 1.1 by Saxon , all is well, and run XSLT on data constructed under this scheme does not work, the processor checks this by XSD 1.0, and respectively return an error of such a plan:
at: file:///c:/JOB/FSM-GE~1/DEV-PL~1/src/test/RESOUR~1/defs/app/schemaApp.xsd 329
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error: at xs:element on line 329 column 57 of schemaApp.xsd:
Type xs:anyAtomicType requires XSD 1.1 support to be enabled
at com.exln.stylus.CSaxon8Driver.doProcessing(
at com.exln.stylus.CProcessorDriver.process(
schemaApp.xsd (329, 57)
Error: at xs:element on line 329 column 57 of schemaApp.xsd: Type xs:anyAtomicType requires XSD 1.1 support to be enabled
Where to configure the XSL procedssor consumption version XSD 1.1 ?