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Eurick NEwbillSubject: EDI to XML Automation
Author: Eurick NEwbill
Date: 23 Mar 2011 11:19 AM
We are trying to get automation done from EDI to XML and possible call a web service to input the data into our system to get an order set up. Im a novice at automation and so are most of the people at my company. The first and biggest obstacle we have at the moment is trying to get the transformation from EDI to XML using XQuery and from what I read and watched Pipeline. Im not quite sure still how to get this to function properly and what would we need to get Stylus to do it for us. I have attached an test xquery, pipeline, an example of a EDI file and how they are coming in, and the XML Scehma which I am using to map the information in. This is all the information I currently have and basically when I just try to debug the java program its not working. I overall want to put this java code onto a Windows 2008 server but havent found anything on the website or the discussion forms on how to do that either.

In the long run we would like for this to get an EDI out of a folder by some trigger, convert it to XML, and save it in another folder to by processed.

I would also like to know with the web service call, whenever I put in our web service it spits out an ' "p" tags closing error' where basically not only the p tags that dont have a closing bracket but anything that is not closed properly it will not work and overall me messing with the web service will cause the web service not to work. I also create a dumby web service with the same resolves and this one was just plain.

Any thoughts, help, or guidance on any of these issues when be great.

Test Pipeline

Test XQuery

EDI File Using

Order Import Schema

Ivan PedruzziSubject: EDI to XML Automation
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 02 Apr 2011 05:28 PM

Here you can learb how to use DataDirect XQuery to process a collection of files


If you like to use XQuery to invoke a web service the response has to be well formed XML. If the web service response is HTML you will ned to use the HTML to XHTML converter.

Have a look at the DataDirect XQuery User's guide for how to build a web service client.

Ivan Pedruzzi

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