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Steen NielsenSubject: Feature speedup: "find as you type" in the "open file" dialog
Author: Steen Nielsen
Date: 27 Oct 2010 08:24 AM
I am hitting a somewhat annoying delay, before I can use the "find as you type" feature in the "open file" dialog.
When navigating through the folders in the "open file" dialog, I am quite used to just open a folder and type a few chars to go to the first folder beginning with all these chars from pretty much any system.

This also works in the Stylus Studio "open file" dialog, but it's as if it doesn't activate until 1-2 seconds after the folder content is shown. This can be quite bothersome as I, and probably a lot of other users, are used to the otherwise high speed performance that Stylus Studio presents.
After all, when you are using the keyboard to navigate through the file open dialog, there are mostly only a hundred miliseconds between the keypresses.

I don't know if this is a result of using a specialized "open file" dialog, but it would be nice to get this feature get a good notch upwards in performance.

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