Subject:[Newbie] Type conversion and formating Author:Alexandre Takacs Date:25 Jan 2009 04:03 PM
Still pretty new to XSLT / Stylus Studio - I expect your indulgence :)
I am working with the XML Report feature and overall I have managed to work most things out...
I however have (probably obvious) problem where I have to map one input field into an INTEGER value, format it like "#'###" and if the value doesn't map return a custom error string... How would I do this ?!
Subject:[Newbie] Type conversion and formating Author:(Deleted User) Date:27 Feb 2009 12:54 PM
Hi Alexandre,
you can enter a format-number(path, "#'###") expression, and then associate your custom error value to the NaN property of the Decimal Format tab in the properties for the whole report (available in the latest Stylus 2009 release).