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Ken KoskiSubject: Using functions with a xsl:value-of statement
Author: Ken Koski
Date: 17 Sep 2005 04:53 PM
Originally Posted: 16 Sep 2005 05:39 PM
I want to properly format a DateTime value that I am reading from a database then sending to another. The format of the From DateTime field is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS The To format is YYYY=MM-DDTHH:MM:SS I thought that I could just do a Concat/substring to add the 'T', but when I try to save it, I get a bad format error. When I try to compile it, I get the following error : Element type "xsl:value-of" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>". The question is: Am what I am trying to do possible? If so, how? The code I am using as follows: <xsl:if test="$colName='DateEntered'"> <CreatedDate xmlns=""> <xsl:value-of select='(concat(substr(".",1,10),'T',(".",12,19)))'/> </CreatedDate><br> </xsl:if> Thanks in advance, Ken

(Deleted User) Subject: Using functions with a xsl:value-of statement
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 19 Sep 2005 03:55 AM
Hi Ken,

>When I try to compile it, I get the following error :
>Element type "xsl:value-of" must be followed by either
>attribute specifications, ">" or "/>".
><xsl:value-of select='(concat(substr(".",1,10),'T',(".",12,19)))'/>

The error is using the single quote around the 'T' argument; as you have already used them to delimit the attribute value, this is not valid XML.
You should use double quotes:

<xsl:value-of select='(concat(substr(".",1,10),"T",(".",12,19)))'/>

Hope this helps,

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