Subject:Ascii "separator" characters Author:Josh Fuller Date:19 May 2005 10:36 AM
I'd like my stylesheet to output text which includes the special 'separator' characters... 'group separator', 'record separator', etc. These are Ascii values 28 - 31.
This results in an error "Invalid character reference". Is there any encoding that allows me to reference character values below 32, or any other way of referencing these characters?
Subject:Ascii Author:Tony Lavinio Date:20 May 2005 09:39 AM
XSLT can't generate those, since they aren't a part of XML 1.0.
If you designed a custom adapter, you could catch, say, a PI,
and convert it. So you could do <?ascii 11?> or something to get
code VT as an example.
There is a tutorial on writing a custom adapter at that shows how to
write the toXML side; the fromXML side works similarly except that
use get an XML stream and you can use a SAX processor to read it
and generate your output.