Subject:Recursion Depth in Stylus!!! Author:joe j Date:06 Apr 2005 01:41 PM Originally Posted: 06 Apr 2005 12:07 PM
I have tried to make an XSLT to transform one d attribute path in SVG to another.
The idea is to find all commands in the path and make spaces before and after the command.
The problem I get is the following...When I run my XSLT on an SVG file, it gives me an error
"deep recursion depth".
I don't understand why?!
Hope someone can help... to optimize recursive in XSLT
I have attached the xslt file and the svg file example
Subject:Recursion Depth in Stylus!!! Author:Minollo I. Date:08 Apr 2005 09:36 PM
It does indeed contain an infinite recursion path; I didn't enter into the details of the execution, but you keep looping between the command_separetor and nextcommand templates.
Try setting a breakpoint in command_separetor, and follow the execution step by step.