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eran berkowitzSubject: mapping to a propietary XSD - newbie question
Author: eran berkowitz
Date: 10 Mar 2005 02:54 AM
I'm trying a transform a falt file to my own propietary XSD and not to the one generated automatically by the SStudio.
is there anyother way to do it other then a two step process that transforms this Flatfile into the
general XSD and then to map it to my own XSD?

Tony LavinioSubject: mapping to a propietary XSD - newbie question
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 10 Mar 2005 08:57 AM
We felt it would be too unwieldly to try to build a map directly
from an arbitrary non-XML format to a final schema in one step.

However, after you build the initial Convert-to-XML map, you can
use that as the input URL for the XSLT mapper, so that you don't
have to save the output from the first step and then operate on
that file.

Once you have built the .conv file, say "xyz.conv", against your
input file, say "file:///c:/xyz.edi", you can use this syntax as
the input URL for the XSLT editor/mapper:


and doing this means you don't have to use an intermediate XML file.

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