The StylusStudio X15 with Saxon gives the correct result as:
The StylusStudio X16 with Saxon gives an error message:
at: file:///y:/kalaconv.xsl 9
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error: at xsl:template on line 9 column 25 of kalaconv.xsl:
XPDY0002: The context item for axis step (/)/kala is absent
at com.exln.stylus.CSaxon8Driver.doProcessing(CSaxon8Driver.java:307)
at com.exln.stylus.CProcessorDriver.process(CProcessorDriver.java:116)
kalaconv.xsl (9, 25)
Error: at xsl:template on line 9 column 25 of kalaconv.xsl: XPDY0002: The context item for axis step (/)/kala is absent
Is there some bug or incompatibility between older and newer releases of the Saxon?
How to fix it?