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Sanj MicunovicSubject: xsl report, with xml feed, SVG components and connection to SQL server
Author: Sanj Micunovic
Date: 12 Feb 2016 08:21 AM

I would appreciate if you can give us a hint how in ONE xsl report that is fed from an xml we can draw:

1) Bar Chart which gets data from MS SQL database
2) and the same report should have a table that gets data from xml feed.

Our problem is not a table that gets data from xml. We are stuck in creating SVG Bar Chart that should be getting data from MS SQL.

Best Regards,
Sanja Micunovic

Ivan PedruzziSubject: xsl report, with xml feed, SVG components and connection to SQL server
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 12 Feb 2016 05:01 PM


Are you coding your XSLT manually or using Stylus Studio XML Publisher?

What your desired output (HTML, PDF, SVG)?

XML Publisher allows you to use relational data for populating dynamic content but you will need to generate XQuery and it does not feature charts.

If you willing to code your transformation manually, Stylus Studio bundles an SVG example which you could alter to generate table and chart in a single SVG. Alternatively you could generate PDF with embedded SVG.
See example "Instream SVG in XSL FO" at http://www.renderx.com/usecasestest.html

Does it help?

Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

David BartellSubject: xsl report, with xml feed, SVG components and connection to SQL server
Author: David Bartell
Date: 30 Oct 2019 03:43 PM
I have the latest version of Stylus Studio, but can not find the SVG example (chart.xsl or examples.prj) anywhere in the install directory. I had the examples option checked when I installed.

Is there a trick to that, or is it just not included anymore?

Ivan PedruzziSubject: xsl report, with xml feed, SVG components and connection to SQL server
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 30 Oct 2019 07:34 PM

The example is simple SVG document located at

c:\Users\Public\Documents\Stylus Studio X16 XML Enterprise 64-bit\examples\SVG

Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

David BartellSubject: xsl report, with xml feed, SVG components and connection to SQL server
Author: David Bartell
Date: 30 Oct 2019 07:40 PM
Found them, thanks!

Sanj MicunovicSubject: xsl report, with xml feed, SVG components and connection to SQL server
Author: Sanj Micunovic
Date: 13 Feb 2016 09:12 AM
Hello Ivan,

I don't have much experience with this stuff.

We recently bought Stylus Studio and I got a task to create xsl report. Report will be displayed in browser as html report.
Source will be xml. For the time being I can skip a part connecting to relational database. I could get everything in that source xml.

But my ultimate goal is to have on one xsl report 1)table and 2)hart.

In the past for this my colleagues were using vbscript. But would it be possible to embed svg instead?

In short would you be able to share with me small example where you have a table and bar chart?

Best Regards,

Sanj MicunovicSubject: xsl report, with xml feed, SVG components and connection to SQL server
Author: Sanj Micunovic
Date: 13 Feb 2016 04:02 PM
Hello Ivan,

Just to say I managed somehow. So we can close this.

Thanks Sanja

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