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0 new messagesProblems with FTP upload via XQuery026619(Deleted User)
06/04/20 11:40am
12/16/22 06:41am
0 new messagesWhat path notation works when in xQuery0511010Arthur Gardner
09/08/17 03:13pm
09/14/17 09:50pm
0 new messagesXquery Exception0010061sud rall
05/02/17 11:22am
05/02/17 12:55pm
0 new messages[java] [Fatal Error] Test.xml:33:428: The reference to entity 0144178Sama K
02/28/17 03:57pm
02/28/17 07:44pm
0 new messagesunable to produce correct XML with namespace out of XML without namespace0111778Sebastien Vinchon
11/10/16 04:02pm
11/11/16 11:04pm
0 new messageswhere can I find stylusxql utility 0210833Ewan Hopkins
09/14/16 10:13am
09/14/16 05:18pm
0 new messagesTrouble Mapping Multiple Elements to one unique Node Element0211759breydon stangeland
08/18/16 04:04pm
08/18/16 04:54pm
0 new messagesinput parameter 0011383Ivan Pedruzzi
08/15/16 06:16pm
08/15/16 06:16pm
0 new messagesset element value0010860Ivan Pedruzzi
08/06/16 04:15pm
08/06/16 04:15pm
0 new messagesXquery Performance Issue02012404sud rall
07/07/16 03:01pm
07/19/16 03:40pm
0 new messagesRun Xquery Program using Java0211768sud rall
07/06/16 05:49pm
01/04/19 12:06pm
0 new messagesXQuery XML to CSV0211200Rick Scofield
03/19/16 02:44pm
03/23/16 10:09pm
0 new messagesXQuery MySQL connector0312094Rick Scofield
05/20/15 08:58pm
05/20/15 10:32pm
0 new messagesXQuery with JDBC connection issue0212967Rick Scofield
08/31/14 11:18am
03/14/19 10:56am
0 new messagesCreate FTP Server0111777Rick Scofield
03/01/14 09:33am
03/03/14 09:11am
0 new messagesXQuery Nested Loop Lookup0413032Rick Scofield
02/09/14 10:27am
02/10/14 03:11pm
0 new messagesXpath using a Variable for [@ID=1234]0112746Peter Buswell
10/12/13 05:03pm
10/14/13 06:13pm
0 new messagesMy xqDoc option is disabled.0012446chris misztur
08/10/13 03:27pm
08/10/13 03:27pm
0 new messagesXpath ancestor selection0313755chris misztur
08/09/13 08:47am
08/09/13 03:58pm
0 new messagesException: sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the result.0113624chris misztur
08/08/13 10:32am
08/08/13 03:27pm
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