![K. e.T.](userimg.asp?file=85094) Subject: Some requests from a power user Author: K. e.T. Date: 21 Jan 2013 09:11 AM Originally Posted: 21 Jan 2013 05:36 AM
Hi Ivan!
Incredible, you guys are fast!!
>We have debating internally on when highlighting un-mapped fields.
>In most of the mappings not all fields need to be transformed to the >target schema. Based on which criteria Stylus Studio should highlight >fields f3 and f4
There are two (related to this request) possible scenarios we are dealing with very often:
a) Map all fields from a specific input (sample given) into an output (schema given)
b) Fill all fields of the output (sample given) from an input (schema given)
We are re-using XSLTs very often so it would be nice to see which untouched fields we have to map manually.
It's the same idea as "Mapper" in SS, but with a better visualization.
I would expect to see the tab right here: http://i.imgur.com/KrRZYaX.png
And It would look somehow like that (mark unused fields): http://i.imgur.com/pnZghxh.png
I don't know if this request is too specific for our company needs, but It would be very useful because for now we are either manually checking each field or use a script (which shows the xpaths, no integrated visualization).
>The Open File Dialog starts from the folder in which you have open the >last document, this is Stylus Studio wise. If you open document
>c:\temp\a.xml using File->Open,then you open a scenario and start >browsing for the input document, the open dialog should star in c:\temp
>Does it work for you?
I am opening scenarios out of Windows Explorer, I don't use the "File -> Open" functionality. I'll try this, thanks :)
EDIT: Suggestion: If I'm editing a scenario and try open another Source and/or Output URL, the already pre-entered XML URL should be taken as navigation-path, if existing.
Regarding scenarios: Would be great to have a project-related scenario which allows the usage of more than one input, one mapping and one output.
I am using Stylus Studio's project functionality to simulate the message flow in our middleware.
There might be a flow like:
input -> XSLT -> output -> XSLT2 -> output2
For now I have to split it in two scenarios and execute each one separately.
3)[NEW REQUEST] Use schemas for XSLT-development
When creating/editing XSLTs it would be nice to know If my syntax is correct. This is already implemented when validating an output with a schema: You'll be able to modify the input and SS gives you suggestions based on the XSD, wonderful!
Anyhow, this would be very handy while creating/editing the XSLT itself: Am I allowed to put nested elements here? Is an attribute needed?
For now It is more or less try and error or I have to study the output very well.