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Frank YapSubject: How XML to X12 be converted and formed directly
Author: Frank Yap
Date: 27 Oct 2011 09:33 PM
Hi there,

I am very new to Stylus and evaluating the product now. I have gone through the tutorial and video several times but I end up more confused myself.

This is the scenario that I have:
1) Purchase Order (PO) XML message output from ERP system to a specific folder
2) Convert PO XML to X12 850 format with the mapping tools?
3) Output must be in X12 format.
4) Automate the process for all other new incoming files from ERP to other folder. Archive those which are converted.

Where am I now? I have successfully opened the XML schema file and done the mapping to X12 850 format. However, I do not know how mapping work be converted to X12 format according with the real PO XML..

Your help is highly appreciated. Thank you.

Best Regards,

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