Subject:Bug: Indenting multiple lines changes cursor position in an odd way Author:Steen Nielsen Date:26 Nov 2010 08:35 AM
I just discovered an annoying bug in Stylus Studio. It seems that after indenting multiple lines, by pressing tab or shift+tab, the selection changes to take up the entire length of the lines instead of keeping the selection start and selection end positions inside the first and last selected line. This bug also results in pushing the cursor to the first line after the selection, when indenting the lines.
There are two ways of selecting multiple lines, upwards and downwards, and it seems that the behaviour differs depending on the direction of the selection.
When selecting upwards and pressing tab or shift+tab, the cursor goes to the very start of the first selected line.
When selecting downwards and pressing tab or shift+tab, the cursor goes to the very start of the first line after the selection.
It should be rather simple for the developers to fix these issues. Most of them would be fixed simply when the selection start and selection end positions are being respected instead of selecting entire lines.
I hope this bugreport makes sense, if it doesn't, just ask for more info :-)