Subject: Sense:X - Remembering recently used options. Author: Mike Mohr Date: 07 Oct 2009 05:35 PM
I have been using the Oxygen XSLT editor for about a year now and have grow accustom to it's Excellent "content completion" as they call it.
However, we are a "Workday" customer and they use Stylus Studio as their standard XSLT editor.
I have downloaded a trial copy and have been trying it out. Your editor is WAY faster loading large files (12 seconds compared to several minutes. In some cases Oxygen won't even open it even with the Java option set to -Xmx1200m )
Your editor also has the "Back-map to XML" feature which I LOVE. However, your Sense:X feature is not nearly as good as Oxygen's for a number of reasons, but the largest is that Oxygen remembers the last 5 or so options that I have chosen and sorts those to the top of their drop down lists. Most of the time I am going to use the same options when I am, for example, calling the same template.
I would rather use your editor, but I save so much coding time with Oxygen that I cannot justify the time savings with Back-maping and fast file handling. There is even a reference in the HELP section that alludes to the fact that Stylus Studio remembers the most used commands, but if it does, I cannot figure out how to make it work.
So, if your editor can remember my previously used Sense:X choices and sort them to the top, can you please tell me how use them.