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yasser arafatSubject: Update input xml content with matching elements from another xml using xsl
Author: yasser arafat
Date: 20 Nov 2008 06:53 PM

I have two xmls (xml1 and xml2), whose structure is same.
I need to write an xsl which will take an element in xml1 at a time and check if that element is available in the second xml2. If the element and attribute values (not element value) are same, then the element in xml1 should be replaced with the one in xml2. If there is no match found, then the element would remain as is. So the final xml will contain all elements in xml1 with some of them updated from xml2.

Here is an example
<elementa note="value" note2="value2">

<elementb note="value" note2="value2">

<elementc note="value">3</elementc>
<elementd note="value">4</elementd>
<elemente note="value">5</elemente>


<elementa note="value" note2="value2">
<elementa1>value from xml2</elementa1>

<elementb note="value" note2="value2">
<elementb1>value from xml2</elementb1>
<elementb2>value from xml2</elementb2>


The expected output xml is
<elementa note="value" note2="value2">
<elementa1>value from xml2</elementa1>

<elementb note="value" note2="value2">
<elementb1>value from xml2</elementb1>
<elementb2>value from xml2</elementb2>

<elementc note="value">3</elementc>
<elementd note="value">4</elementd>
<elemente note="value">5</elemente>


Here, elementa/elementa2 has not been specified in xml2, hence it is retained as is.
elementc thro elemente is not present in XML2, hence retained.
elementa/elementa1 is specified in XML2, hence the output xml has the value pulled from it.

Please help me in writing a generic xsl for this, without using any element names in the xsl (The actual xml is huge).

Thanks in advance,

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