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Lance MerrifieldSubject: How to handle variable input & output in xquery
Author: Lance Merrifield
Date: 06 Jun 2008 11:09 AM
I am currently working with your product to convert X12 data to xml and utilize xquery to select the required fields from the xml file and then produce a comma delimited file from the xml. I am having difficulty during the conversion from xml to delimited as there are variable occurences of certain fields within the xml file. I am getting the following error message:

Error: I/O error while converting data in ConvertFromXML node 'Convert from XML': 4,0: A new element <HI0202> was seen on a row other than the first, but the field headings have already been written to the output file

Is there a way to predefine the max number of occurences for a field and have them null filled in the delimited file if they do not occur. Thanks.


Tony LavinioSubject: How to handle variable input & output in xquery
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 06 Jun 2008 03:38 PM
You don't actually need the converter to write text from XQuery.
Instead you can use
declare option ddtek:serialize "method=text";
<y> {
for $i in ('abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl')
return <x>{$i}&#10;</x>

Then you can write whatever you want.

What the converter does, which causes the error you are seeing, is
buffer a complete line. This allows you to write the elements in any
order for a row, but they will always be output in the same order as
the first row.

So for the converter, if you write <a>123</a><b>456</b> on line one
and <b>def</b><a>abc</a> on line two, you'll actually get:


because it will reorder the fields. In order to do this, it has to
build a template based on the first line output.

But since you are controlling your output completely, you can just
write text directly from DataDirect XQuery.

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