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(Deleted User) Subject: RDBMS - XML round-tripping
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 24 May 2007 11:14 AM
There may be an example already (I'm a newcomer here), but I would appreciate direction to it.

I have seen (referring to Stylus Studio Enterprise 6 - a previous version) this claim -

"It is also the first and only XML IDE to provide round-trip, visual editing and mapping views for XML Schema, XSLT and XQuery allowing you to edit either a visual model or the underlying XML code in a synchronized way."

How is this done (in detail)? Can it be done at least partially in code, or does it require a series of human-driven steps?

I now own SS 2007 Enterprise R2 - so I assume it is at least as capable.

To reiterate - the example (in outline steps, with real databases) is what I want to see, and to reproduce.

Tony LavinioSubject: RDBMS - XML round-tripping
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 07 Jun 2007 09:04 AM
We're talking about round-tripping the source code, not the data.

For example, other XSLT editors might let you draw a visual mapping,
and then will generate the code. But if you change the code, your map
is no longer in sync. So either you've got to manually fix the map,
or regenerate your code if you change the map and re-apply your custom

Both the XSLT and the XQuery mappers in Stylus Studio work on the live
source code - you can see it generated as you change the map, and you
can see the map change if you edit the XSLT or XQuery source.

(Deleted User) Subject: RDBMS - XML round-tripping
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 07 Jun 2007 08:45 PM
OK, understood.


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