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Roedy GreenSubject: trailware problems
Author: Roedy Green
Date: 03 Feb 2006 07:59 PM
You are losing customers with your Stylus Studio trialware installer if their experience is anything like mine. I have been programming computers for 43 years, so I am not exacly a novice.

It asked for my name, email etc. then disabled both buttons to proceed. I closed the splash screen giving me two more buttons. Neither worked. Neither did letting the the timer count down. The program just froze and had to be killed with the task manager.

I am using Win2K, 512 bytes of RAM. For precise details of my configuration, please see http://mindprod.com/contact/equipment.html

I intended to download the "home" trial version, but I got the "enterprise" verlsion. What I am interested in is JNLP validation and also writing a product summary entry on Stylus Studio for the Java glossary: http://mindprod.com/jgloss/jgloss.html

Minollo I.Subject: trailware problems
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 06 Feb 2006 09:14 AM
I'm sorry for the problems you are hitting; we haven't had reports of similar issues from other customers, so, please bear with me while I try understanding what's going wrong for you.

When you startup Stylus Studio, you are prompted by a dialog which requires you to Register and Activate. Registration happens first, unless you have already an activation key for some other reason.

In the registration section (the lower part of the dialog) you need to enter the requested data. Once data has been entered for all the required fields, the "Get Evaluation Key" button will enable. Clicking it will make Stylus Studio contact our activation server and you will receive an email back containing your unique activation key.

At that point you can copy&paste the activation key from the email into the field under the "If you have an activation key, enter it here..." label, in the same initial dialog that it's still waiting. At that point the "Activate Stylus Studio" button will be enabled, and you can click it. Doing so will let Stylus Studio contact the activation server again and activate your trial/full license.

At this point you are all set.

You will get a dialog with a count down only if you dismiss the initial registration/activation dialog; in that case you will get a always enabled button to go back and register, and a initially disabled button to proceed without registering; this second button enabled when the count down reaches 0.

Let me know if what I'm describing doesn't match what you are seeing, and/or if you still have problems.


Simon MastersSubject: trailware problems
Author: Simon Masters
Date: 13 Jun 2006 10:59 AM
I downloaded today having watched the video of Create Web Service
I'm pretty sure I downloaded the PRO version
Now I find I have no facility to Create a Web Service which is "available in the PRO and ENTERPRISE editions"
The point about trialware SURELY is to get exactly what you will get IF you proceed to purchase...
I found the installation and login processes painless

IF THE DOWNLOAD VERSIONS ARE CORRECT PERHAPS YOU ARE NOT EMAILING THE CORRECT ACTIVATION KEYS? Either way please fix it so I can test webservices...Shall I download again or reinstall?

Ivan PedruzziSubject: trailware problems
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 13 Jun 2006 02:25 PM
Hi Simon,

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Web Service Call Composer is available only in Enterprise edition.

See the feature matrix under "Web Service Tools"

Could you please tell us where you have found the phrase "...available in the PRO and ENTERPRISE editions" so we can do the necessary corrections?

Thank You for your help
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

Simon MastersSubject: PRO and ENTERPRISE (reply) was: trailware problems
Author: Simon Masters
Date: 13 Jun 2006 05:26 PM
Ummm not easily - but if I come across it I will make a note and report.

Judging by the size of the download there is A LOT more in enterprise than in PRO - so I've downloaded the ENTERPRISE version now and will give that a try.

A couple of wish list things while I'm signed in:
(1) I have an interest in AIML (AI markup language). The XML files have AIML extensions. Can I set stylus to just find this kind of XML file rather than having to select (*.*) All Files?
(2) A lot of the XML I am getting has blank lines in the XML files. This is not the same as "whitespace" (about which there is so much said) or am I wrong? As a programmer I can see the reason for this, but is there a method to strip out this in the code (e.g. to replace CRLF CRLF with CRLF?). The alternative is to load Word and replace ^p^p with ^p throughout the document I guess...

Finally I will make a newbie observation:
The Videos are excellent training tools. In fact they are too good! The impression one gets is that the user and software will be generating JAVA within seconds of installation. I am finding that this is not so simple. For example the AIML doesn't even have a public schema ready yet. I guess the watchword is patience.

In contrast to the other posting in this thread. I'm very impressed so far...keep up the good work!

Ivan PedruzziSubject: PRO and ENTERPRISE (reply) was: trailware problems
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 13 Jun 2006 06:09 PM

To register the .AIML file type see
Tools -> Options -> General -> File Types

To remove invisible character you can use Find/Replace (CTRL+H)
for instance to replace a pair of CRLF you can type in in the "Find What" field


then check "regular expression"

then click replace

Hope this helps
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

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