Subject: SAXON 8.6 xquery processor in Stylus Studio 2006 XML: Java methods as external functions Author: Urs Keiser Date: 26 Apr 2006 05:30 AM
Hi Minollo,
Thank you very much for the key. I could test my application now.
Unfortunately I found out that the problem is not yet fixed (?):
I used the 'IntDate.xquery' example for the JavaExtension as included in the 'examples.prj' project:
The Stylus Studio classpath is set and I am using Java 1.5.0_06 JRE.
Stylus Studio with the built in xquery processor the following 'IntDate.xquery' file worked fine!
----- start of 'IntDate.xquery'
declare namespace ext = "java:IntDate";
declare function ext:getDate($year as xs:integer,
$month as xs:nonNegativeInteger,
$day as xs:nonNegativeInteger,
$format as xs:string)
as xs:string external;
for $date in /doc/date
return ext:getDate($date/@year,$date/@month,$date/@day,$date/@format)
---- end of 'IntDate.xquery'
Stylus Studio with the (included) SAXON 8.7 xquery processor the following 'IntDate.xquery' file aborted with the same error message as when tested in November 2005:
----- start of 'IntDate.xquery'
declare namespace ext = "java:IntDate";
for $date in /doc/date
return ext:getDate($date/@year,$date/@month,$date/@day,$date/@format)
---- end of 'IntDate.xquery'
Error: on line 4 of file:.../IntDate.xquery:; XPST0017: Cannot find a matching 4-argument function named {java:IntDate}getDate();
My Question:
Is there anything not correct in my xquery file or has this problem not yet been fixed?
Thanks for your help.