Subject:Possible to URL decode content that goes to email? Author:David Karr Date:04 Nov 2005 11:21 AM
I was wondering if it's possible to enhance the email version of the forums by passing the data going to email through URL decoding. It's clear that the input to forums goes through URL encoding, to make sure the pages don't break, but a forum about XML/XSLT is going to have lots of URL-encoded content, and that's almost unreadable in standard email.
Subject:Possible to URL decode content that goes to email? Author:Tony Lavinio Date:11 Jan 2006 08:20 AM
The original software we used for these forums was open-source.
When we upgraded it, the vendor responsible added extensions in
the form of closed-source software. And unfortunately for us,
the email is a black box.
We are looking to replace this software completely; there is the
possibility this will happen within the next several months, but
until it has happened, we're all stuck with this.