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David KarrSubject: RE: Constant CPU usage by Struzzo.exe
Author: David Karr
Date: 02 Nov 2005 09:25 AM
I see the same problem. I have a bunch of documents open (xml, xsd,
xslt), although nothing that large. In the last few days I've been
working on a small xslt that calls a small Java extension function. The
stylesheet works fine, but when I'm not doing anything with it, I see it
using up to 50-60% of the CPU.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: stylus-studio-tech Listmanager
> [mailto:stylus-studio-tech.listmanager@stylusstudio.com]
> From: "Robert Tyree"
> Struzzo frequently uses 30-60% of my CPU even when its not
> executing any stylesheets. I am not sure of the steps to
> recreate this, but as I am using it it will eventually start
> using 30-60% of the CPU all the time unless I close some
> documents or unless I bring up the Help->About (or
> probably any dialog).
> Is there a way to stop this?

(Deleted User) Subject: RE: Constant CPU usage by Struzzo.exe
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 02 Nov 2005 10:15 AM
I am trying to track this problem down, can you please send me your files which seem to cause the problem? Which version are you using?
Thanks very much.

David ReesSubject: RE: Constant CPU usage by Struzzo.exe
Author: David Rees
Date: 02 Nov 2005 08:04 PM
I've noticed this for a while also. I've also noticed that it always seems to be using some CPU. For instance, I have the window in the background right now (not visible at all) and it has averaged 3-5% of my CPU for the last 10 minutes anyway. It would seem to me it should right at zero CPU since I'm not using it.



(Deleted User) Subject: RE: Constant CPU usage by Struzzo.exe
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 02 Nov 2005 08:57 PM
You should expect Stylus to use a small percent of the CPU, even when it is idle, because it does some idle loop processing. Some of the truly great features of Stylus are possible because we do a little bit of work when the CPU isn't otherwise occupied. Nevertheless, it should not be anything approaching 30-50% and we are still trying to pin that problem down.

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