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David KarrSubject: Functions to transform "name" or "address" string into structured component
Author: David Karr
Date: 31 Oct 2005 01:59 PM
Some of the pieces of this may be elementary, but I'm trying to understand all the pieces I will need for this.

I'm examining a situation where an input document will contain "name" and "address" elements, where they are just a single string. My transformation has to result in these string values broken down into their constituent elements, like "firstname", "lastname", "middle", and "street address", "city", "state", "zip".

I see that EXSLT has a "tokenize" function, and that may be available natively also, but I don't know that yet. I suppose a custom xslt function could use that, and then assume which token numbers correspond to the "firstname", "city", etcetera.

How would I use this graphically, in the XSLT mapper? I can connect the source "name" element through the transformer into the complex element holding the individuals fields.

How exactly would this go together?

Are there already custom functions written which separate a "name" or "address" string into its constituent fields?

Ivan PedruzziSubject: Functions to transform
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 31 Oct 2005 02:32 PM
The most portable solution is to write a template.
Template call can be use the as instruction block in mapper.

Here is a very basic example

<xsl:template name="split">
<xsl:param name="source"/>
<xsl:param name="field"/>
<xsl:when test="$field = 'name'">
<xsl:value-of select="substring-before($source, ' ' )"/>
<xsl:when test="$field = 'address'">
<xsl:value-of select="substring-after($source, ' ' )"/>

In the upcoming version Stylus Studio supports XSLT 2 that features many more built-in fucntions for string manipualtions.

Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

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