Subject:Editing posts & a suggestion. Author:Simon Templar Date:07 Sep 2005 04:13 AM
I'd like to say keep up the good work and support Stylus team. I am impressed by the support that is provided on this forum.
Firstly, I found that if a post has to be re-edited then it loses all the formatting and is littered with "<br>" tags at the end of line. This isn't helpful at all if you need to edit any post as it just appears as a continuous wrapped line with "<br>" tags in it. If this can be taken care of it'll be very useful for posters.
Secondly, it'll help if the name of the last poster in the thread appears as it'll make it easier to know if a reply has been made with a simple glance. At the moment I know that you've got a number for the replies made to the post but it's really not helpful in case of a long discussion as it's easy to forget numbers.
Hope these suggestions will be taken into consideration.
Subject:Editing posts & a suggestion. Author:David Brown Date:30 Nov 2005 03:51 AM
I was just about to post something like that. It is definitely a problem. When editing a message, I can't figure out how to preserve blank lines. I'm not allowed to use HTML (<br>) but for some reason, the editor is using a different text handling algorithm than the poster and does not convert blank lines to <br>.
Strange that with so many open source boards available that do this OK, DataDirect/Stylus would pick one that has such a flaw...