Subject:what happens with xmlspy license after crossgrade? Author:SSDN Admin Date:18 Oct 2004 03:19 PM
If you were to 'crossgrade' from xmlspy 2004 to Stylus Studio 6 XML Professional Edition, you would get a single user license of Stylus Studio 6 XML Professional Edition at a reduced, price provided that you qualify for the offer. Please see complete offer details at:
People who took advantage of this offer would still be able to use XMLSPY in accordance with the terms of their license agreement.
Obviously we're biased, but we happen to think that you wouldn't have to use other XML tools after having made the switch to Stylus Studio! :)
Subject:what happens with xmlspy license after crossgrade? Author:Hans-Peter Küchler Date:19 Oct 2004 08:46 PM
Thanks for the explanation. Is it possible to get the update page ( via SSL access? The invoice contains my full address and other interesting things and the keycode email contains also informations not for the web.