Subject:Create CSV file with XSLT Author:David Forslund Date:23 Oct 2003 05:31 PM
When creating a CSV file from XML using XSLT,
I've found a problem with no apparent solution.
The data has quotes and commas in it. Excel requires embedded quotes to be doubled so that it can parse them correctly. However, I've found no way to transform a " to "" within XSLT. The transform function should do it,
but there is no way to invoke it with those characters. Any suggestions?
Subject:RE: Create CSV file with XSLT Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:23 Oct 2003 09:52 PM
If I understood your problem, attached to this message you will find the
First trick is to save the " and "" inside a variable, second trick is
to use a recursive template.
For processor that supports tile recursion like Saxon it should also
scale reasonably.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: stylus-studio-xslt Listmanager
> []
> Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 5:55 PM
> To: Recipients of 'stylus-studio-xslt' suppressed
> Subject: Create CSV file with XSLT
> From: "David Forslund"
> When creating a CSV file from XML using XSLT,
> I've found a problem with no apparent solution.
> The data has quotes and commas in it. Excel requires
> embedded quotes to be doubled so that it can parse them
> correctly. However, I've found no way to transform a " to ""
> within XSLT. The transform function should do it,
> but there is no way to invoke it with those characters. Any
> suggestions?
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