Subject:Associate Schema to Document - Without Changing Document Author:John Saunders Date:07 Jun 2007 07:53 PM
I apologise if this has been asked before, but a search on "associate schema" came up with 748 matches and I couldn't check them all!
I like being able to associate a set of schemas to a folder. It helps with validation. However, it doesn't inform Sense:X of the structure of the schema.
I know you can use Xml->Associate XML with schema, but that adds xsi:schemaLocation or xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes into the document. Since these use absolute URLs (at least when working against the file system), it makes it difficult to transport the documents. I certainly wouldn't want to _ship_ any such document to a customer. I might have embarassing names in my file paths.
I would like it if this information could be stored somewhere parallel to the document. Perhaps it could be kept in the project file. Placing it into a comment in the document would be ok, though I'd have to be careful with my embarassing file paths (or you could leave the url relative...).
P.S. I have had software break because of xsi:schemaLocation, even though it's supposed to be only a hint. A workaround would be for you to provide me with a stylesheet or XQuery that could strip the namespace declarations!