I am using Stylus Studio 2008 Enterprise Suite Release 2, and I have an XSD that extends another one, but I receive errors when I click on the "validate Document" button. It seems that the tool doesn't understand the following line:
[<xs:extension xmlns:q1="MyCompany.ECommerce.Entities.ns06" base="q1:CounterPartyEntity">] , although I did import the XSD to be extended from.
Here're the errors:
"Validating schema11.xsd...
file:///c:/Projects/schema11.xsd:6,102: Prefix: 'q1' can not be resolved to a URI
file:///c:/Projects/schema11.xsd:6,102: Schema Representation Constraint: Namespace '' is referenced without <import> declaration
The XML document schema11.xsd is NOT valid (2 errors)"
Subject:XSD Validation error Author:(Deleted User) Date:01 Oct 2008 03:41 PM
Hi Sherif,
you are hitting a limitation of the Xerces-C++ validator, that doesn't use the definition for the 'q1' namespace prefix located in the xs:extension instruction. You can workaround this limitation by moving the xmlns:q1 to the top level xs:schema declaration.