Subject:XSD path when associating to an XML to schema Author:Brian Cottings Date:10 Feb 2015 10:17 PM
What causes the full path to be automatically inserted in an xml file when choosing the option to associate to xml file to a schema. Sometimes I get the full path, others I just get the xsd name. So I may get:
<Report xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="file:///c:/Directory1/Documents/document1.xsd">
Subject:XSD path when associating to an XML to schema Author:Brian Cottings Date:12 Feb 2015 05:15 PM
Hi Ivan,
Yes we need the full path as we are generating these schemas for a document generation program that needs that path. We have created that path on our workstation hardrives so it matches the same path found on the server (so when its moved from the local machine to the servers everything stays the same).
Its seems that prior to x15R2 when I saved to my hardrive I was getting the full path ( file:///c:/Docs/Documents/test.xsd )in XML file - maybe it was different with Create vs. Associate? Looking through all my old xml files they have the full path, only the recent ones I have created have just the name.