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-> ->RE: Build non-SOAP XML re...
-> ->RE: Build non-SOAP XML re...
-> ->RE: Build non-SOAP XML re...
-> ->RE: Build non-SOAP XML re...
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-> ->Store input XML in scenar...
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-> ->Associate schema with XML...
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David KarrSubject: Build non-SOAP XML requests?
Author: David Karr
Date: 07 Mar 2006 04:00 PM
Is it practical in Stylus Studio to build scenarios of submitting XML to
URLs that are not SOAP? I don't see a way to do this in the latest

(Deleted User) Subject: Build non-SOAP XML requests?
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 07 Mar 2006 05:19 PM
Hi, David. If a "put" will work for you, just save the XML using Save As and enter the complete URL in the URL field of the Save As dialog box.

Hope this helps.

David Foster
Stylus Studio Team

David KarrSubject: RE: Build non-SOAP XML requests?
Author: David Karr
Date: 07 Mar 2006 05:28 PM
That doesn't seem like a very good way to test. I would want to save
this as a scenario just like a SOAP request, also so I can see the

> -----Original Message-----
> From: stylus-studio-feature-requests Listmanager
> [mailto:stylus-studio-feature-requests.listmanager@stylusstudio.com]
> From: David Foster
> Hi, David. If a "put" will work for you, just save the XML
> using Save As and enter the complete URL in the URL field of
> the Save As dialog box.
> Hope this helps.
> David Foster
> Stylus Studio Team

Minollo I.Subject: RE: Build non-SOAP XML requests?
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 07 Mar 2006 05:41 PM
the best suggestion we can give you is to try Web Service Call Composer for that... it's not what the Web Service module is supposed to do (it's supposed to handle SOAP), but try doing this:
- Create a new Web Service Call document
- Enter your XML document in the large editing area
- Create a new scenario, and enter your target URL as the endpoint
- Choose the Microsoft .NET as the Client
- Send Request

That will POST your XML request to the specified endpoint, and the result will be displayed in the preview window.


David KarrSubject: RE: Build non-SOAP XML requests?
Author: David Karr
Date: 07 Mar 2006 06:09 PM
Any particular reason why the .NET client would need to be specified for

> -----Original Message-----
> From: stylus-studio-feature-requests Listmanager
> [mailto:stylus-studio-feature-requests.listmanager@stylusstudio.com]
> From: Minollo I.
> David,
> the best suggestion we can give you is to try Web Service
> Call Composer for that... it's not what the Web Service
> module is supposed to do (it's supposed to handle SOAP), but
> try doing this:
> - Create a new Web Service Call document
> - Enter your XML document in the large editing area
> - Create a new scenario, and enter your target URL as the endpoint
> - Choose the Microsoft .NET as the Client
> - Send Request
> That will POST your XML request to the specified endpoint,
> and the result will be displayed in the preview window.
> Minollo

David KarrSubject: RE: Build non-SOAP XML requests?
Author: David Karr
Date: 07 Mar 2006 06:26 PM
That worked fine. Using the Axis client returned no response. I'd like
to know what the difference is.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: stylus-studio-feature-requests Listmanager
> [mailto:stylus-studio-feature-requests.listmanager@stylusstudio.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 2:44 PM
> Subject: RE: Build non-SOAP XML requests?
> From: Minollo I.
> David,
> the best suggestion we can give you is to try Web Service
> Call Composer for that... it's not what the Web Service
> module is supposed to do (it's supposed to handle SOAP), but
> try doing this:
> - Create a new Web Service Call document
> - Enter your XML document in the large editing area
> - Create a new scenario, and enter your target URL as the endpoint
> - Choose the Microsoft .NET as the Client
> - Send Request
> That will POST your XML request to the specified endpoint,
> and the result will be displayed in the preview window.
> Minollo
> --
> To reply: mailto:stylus-studio-feature-requests.14067@stylusstudio.com
> To start a new topic:
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> To (un)subscribe:
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Minollo I.Subject: RE: Build non-SOAP XML requests?
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 07 Mar 2006 06:38 PM
Axis serialization relies on the fact that the provided document is in fact a SOAP request; while the .NET client is much thinner layer on top of the HTTP POST activity.


David KarrSubject: Allow adding more than one file at a time to a project folder
Author: David Karr
Date: 08 Mar 2006 07:41 PM
When adding files to a project, I wanted to create a project containing
all the files in a particular directory. I browsed to the directory,
and selected all the files and clicked OK. It only added the last
selected file. In order to add all of them, I had to add each file one
at a time.

Minollo I.Subject: Allow adding more than one file at a time to a project folder
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 08 Mar 2006 08:37 PM
A much easier way is to drag&drop the folder from File Explorer into the Stylus Studio project window; import will be recursive.


David KarrSubject: RE: Allow adding more than one file at a time to a project folder
Author: David Karr
Date: 09 Mar 2006 12:26 PM
If I always wanted to add all files and directories from the source,
that would be fine. It seems like a simple feature to allow selecting
and adding more than one file at a time.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: stylus-studio-feature-requests Listmanager
> [mailto:stylus-studio-feature-requests.listmanager@stylusstudio.com]
> From: Minollo I.
> A much easier way is to drag&drop the folder from File
> Explorer into the Stylus Studio project window; import will
> be recursive.
> Minollo

Minollo I.Subject: RE: Allow adding more than one file at a time to a project folder
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 09 Mar 2006 12:41 PM
It seems like, but it isn't simple.

Currently the drag&drop from File Explorer (either the external application or the internal Stylus Studio File Explorer), will allows you to do that. In the future we may move in the direction you are suggesting, but it won't happen in the short term.


David KarrSubject: Why doesn't Stylus Studio have an integrated WSDL editor?
Author: David Karr
Date: 20 Mar 2006 05:39 PM
Am I missing something, or is there no direct support for editing WSDL
files in Stylus Studio? I'm familiar with the web service call editor,
but there doesn't appear to be anything to edit the wsdl file. I'm not
real concerned about this, as the WSDL editor in Eclipse appears to work
fine. XMLSpy does have an integrated WSDL editor, for what it's worth.

Minollo I.Subject: Why doesn't Stylus Studio have an integrated WSDL editor?
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 20 Mar 2006 06:00 PM
Stylus Studio doesn't provide a dedicated WSDL editor; so far we have noticed that most people end up creating WSDL "automatically", as a result of exposing their applications as web services through environments that take care of automatically generating the WSDL for them.


Kei TanakaSubject: Why doesn't Stylus Studio have an integrated WSDL editor?
Author: Kei Tanaka
Date: 28 May 2006 11:04 AM
I also would like Stylus Studio to have integrated WSDL editor.
My recent impression is that people who care about interoperability prefer starting from writing WSDL.
Also in my opinion, writing a real world services with Axis2 AXIOM model is quite hard. For this reason people who use Axis2 start from writing WSDL, then convert it to Java code using a databinding technology such as XMLBeans.

David KarrSubject: Store input XML in scenario for Web Service Call?
Author: David Karr
Date: 28 Mar 2006 06:18 PM
I'm surprised that there doesn't appear to be any way to store the XML
to send in a Web Service Call, in the Scenario for the Web Service Call.
That seems odd to me.

Ivan PedruzziSubject: Store input XML in scenario for Web Service Call?
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 28 Mar 2006 06:45 PM

Are you saying that you would like to be able to associate a different SOAP request to each scenario?

We tried that but was too confusing to swap SOAP request when switching scenario

Hope this helps
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

David KarrSubject: RE: Store input XML in scenario for Web Service Call?
Author: David Karr
Date: 28 Mar 2006 07:01 PM
This is quite different from how scenarios work in other objects, but
perhaps it would be useful to store in the scenario a list of messages
that can be used. None of them would "prefill" in the XML body of the
request, but there would be a dropdown labeled "Select a message to
insert" (or something like that), and when one is selected, it will be
inserted into the XML message pane. This would be more flexible than a
single input file.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: stylus-studio-feature-requests Listmanager
> [mailto:stylus-studio-feature-requests.listmanager@stylusstudio.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 3:48 PM
> Subject: Store input XML in scenario for Web Service Call?
> From: Ivan Pedruzzi
> Are you saying that you would like to be able to associate a
> different SOAP request to each scenario?
> We tried that but was too confusing to swap SOAP request when
> switching scenario
> Hope this helps
> Ivan Pedruzzi
> Stylus Studio Team
> --
> To reply: mailto:stylus-studio-feature-requests.14484@stylusstudio.com
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> To login: http://www.stylusstudio.com/SSDN/
> To (un)subscribe:
> mailto:stylus-studio-feature-requests.list-request@stylusstudio.com

David KarrSubject: Associate schema with XML file for completion
Author: David Karr
Date: 07 Apr 2006 12:55 PM
Am I missing something, or is there no way to specify that a particular
schema should be associated with an XML file, with respect to element
and attribute completion? If I start typing an element name in the XML
text editor, I want it to give me a completion menu with the names of
the possible elements from the associated schema.

Minollo I.Subject: Associate schema with XML file for completion
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 07 Apr 2006 01:01 PM
If the XML document you are editing is associated to an XML Schema, then you should see auto-completion offered for elements and attribute acceptable in the specific context.

Is that not happening for you?


David KarrSubject: RE: Associate schema with XML file for completion
Author: David Karr
Date: 07 Apr 2006 01:09 PM
Sorry. I didn't notice that before. I had seen the "Open External
Schema" button before, but I never tried it, and I still don't think
it's obvious from that button name what it does. Perhaps "Associate
with Schema" would make it more obvious.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: stylus-studio-feature-requests Listmanager
> [mailto:stylus-studio-feature-requests.listmanager@stylusstudio.com]
> Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 10:05 AM
> Subject: Associate schema with XML file for completion
> From: Minollo I.
> If the XML document you are editing is associated to an XML
> Schema, then you should see auto-completion offered for
> elements and attribute acceptable in the specific context.
> Is that not happening for you?
> Minollo
> --
> To reply: mailto:stylus-studio-feature-requests.14678@stylusstudio.com
> To start a new topic:
> mailto:stylus-studio-feature-requests@stylusstudio.com
> To login: http://www.stylusstudio.com/SSDN/
> To (un)subscribe:
> mailto:stylus-studio-feature-requests.list-request@stylusstudio.com

Minollo I.Subject: RE: Associate schema with XML file for completion
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 07 Apr 2006 01:12 PM
Actually, the menu itam is "Associate XML with Schema" (or "Create Schema from XML Content), if we are talking about XML editing.


David KarrSubject: RE: Associate schema with XML file for completion
Author: David Karr
Date: 07 Apr 2006 01:11 PM
Although I now see how to associate a schema, is there any way to NOT
make that insert the "schemaLocation" attribute? That is, can you
associate an XML file with a schema without changing the XML file?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: stylus-studio-feature-requests Listmanager
> [mailto:stylus-studio-feature-requests.listmanager@stylusstudio.com]
> Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 10:05 AM
> Subject: Associate schema with XML file for completion
> From: Minollo I.
> If the XML document you are editing is associated to an XML
> Schema, then you should see auto-completion offered for
> elements and attribute acceptable in the specific context.
> Is that not happening for you?
> Minollo
> --
> To reply: mailto:stylus-studio-feature-requests.14678@stylusstudio.com
> To start a new topic:
> mailto:stylus-studio-feature-requests@stylusstudio.com
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> To (un)subscribe:
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Minollo I.Subject: RE: Associate schema with XML file for completion
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 07 Apr 2006 01:14 PM
There is a way to associate an XML Schema to a project folder for validation purposes (without changing the XML document); but there isn't a way to do the same for auto-completion purposes.

I'm filing a PCR for this, to consider for inclusion in future releases.


David KarrSubject: Generating sample XML from XSD seems to require unnecessary steps
Author: David Karr
Date: 14 Apr 2006 05:07 PM
If I'm viewing an XSD, wouldn't it be logical to have the ability to
select "Generate Sample XML" in the context of that XSD, instead of
having to go to the Document Wizard, and have to find the same XSD
again? I wouldn't be surprised if there are other Document Wizards that
are really "converters" or "generators" from a starting input file, such
that it would be logical to be able to select an appropriate Document
Wizard in the context of the starting source file, instead of having to
browse to find the same file again in the Document Wizard.

Minollo I.Subject: Generating sample XML from XSD seems to require unnecessary steps
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 14 Apr 2006 05:15 PM
right click on an element in Schema Diagram, and select "View XML Sample"...


David KarrSubject: RE: Generating sample XML from XSD seems to require unnecessary steps
Author: David Karr
Date: 14 Apr 2006 07:19 PM
Got it. I missed that. I think I tried looking for it in the text
view, and didn't think to try that in the graphical view.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: stylus-studio-feature-requests Listmanager
> [mailto:stylus-studio-feature-requests.listmanager@stylusstudio.com]
> Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 2:18 PM
> Subject: Generating sample XML from XSD seems to require
> unnecessary steps
> From: Minollo I.
> David,
> right click on an element in Schema Diagram, and select
> "View XML Sample"...
> Minollo
> --
> To reply: mailto:stylus-studio-feature-requests.14820@stylusstudio.com
> To start a new topic:
> mailto:stylus-studio-feature-requests@stylusstudio.com
> To login: http://www.stylusstudio.com/SSDN/ To (un)subscribe:
> mailto:stylus-studio-feature-requests.list-request@stylusstudio.com

David KarrSubject: Select content on XSLT profiling window
Author: David Karr
Date: 17 Apr 2006 05:29 PM
I know that XSLT profiling output can be saved as either HTML or XML.
However, it would be nice if you could simply select a portion of the
output and put it to the clipboard. When I select a portion of it and
press ^C, it doesn't appear as if it puts anything in the clipboard.

David KarrSubject: Keyboard shortcut to move up/down file tabs
Author: David Karr
Date: 17 Apr 2006 07:17 PM
It would be very convenient if there were keyboard shortcuts to move to
the previous or next file in the tab panel. I went through the list,
and I didn't see one.

Ivan PedruzziSubject: Keyboard shortcut to move up/down file tabs
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 17 Apr 2006 07:22 PM
CTRL + TAB -> next
SHIFT + CTRL + TAB -> previous

Standard on any multi-documents interface on Windows

Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

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