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Hariharan GopalanSubject: XML post and web service
Author: Hariharan Gopalan
Date: 16 Feb 2007 03:37 PM

I read in the features list that Stylus studio has tools to test web service and am wondering if the following can be done:

Need to setup a web page to accept XML post, is it possible to design a online form and then use stylus studio to test this form by sending data in an xml post.


Ivan PedruzziSubject: XML post and web service
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 16 Feb 2007 11:52 PM
Hi Hariharan,

Stylus Studio Web Service Call Composer requires a WSDL document that describes the service in order to invoke it.

Hope this helps
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

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